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Finer Moments Of Helena Guergis: Bond Girl, Math, Saturday Nite Funnies

Well, I did the nostalgic music thing last nite and haven’t done funnies in awhile. So, sticking to the theme at hand (I know, I’m shameless…).  How’s about some videos of the ‘finer’ moments of Hurricane Helena’s career??

Helena “the Bong girl” takes skiing lessons from Rick Mercer

Here’s a Good from A Creative Revolution: Math ain’t the only thing that’s hard for her it seems…

Oh, Helena, maybe you better breath now!

I'm going to hold my breath until we can separate from the east coast...

Happy Saturday Nite All!

3 comments to Finer Moments Of Helena Guergis: Bond Girl, Math, Saturday Nite Funnies

  • Sir Gallahad

    Hey CK,

    Great Post.

    It gave me my laugh for the day.

    I love that blue in the face Helena, suits her to a “T”

    And to think the likes of that, was a cabinet minister.

    We have to seriously question Harpo’s judgement, and intelligence.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    Sir Gallahad

  • janet

    aren’t we blogging a dead horse?

  • emma

    umm, I think you are totally misreading her, when people are put into positions of power unexpectedly something happens to them.. (short term anyway, i hope) and I feel it was just nerves. heck, I would be nerves wreck standing up in front of millions of people making a statement.

    all she needed was to be “groomed” a little better, but I think that she did not have too many friends to help her on the way. and you cannot go it alone in that business. you need the support of your party, she didnt have that. somehow she made enemies. where that happened I would like to know. anybody know what happened???
