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So Kathy Shaidle Wants To Be a Game Show Host

Ah, poor Kathy. It must be hard being married to Blazin’ cat fur; Mr Shaidle. It must also be hard to be so unemployable and have to beg folks to buy books the 1$ bin at Walmart can’t even flog off.

She now wants to host a game show. Actually, it’s more like a cross between a game show and so-called reality TV. Kinda like a cross between American Idol and Canada’s Worst Handiman or something along those lines. No, it has nothing to do with talent or knowledge of Trivia.

I’ll just let Kathy explain it herself, in her own words:

People would nominate that neighbor or co-worker they hate, and they’d come on the show (because few people can resist going on TV even for the worst reason) and besides a driving test, they’d get ranked on:

  • lingering, unpleasant cooking aromas and loud screeching “music”
  • disgusting cultural habits like spitting (and worse) on the sidewalk
  • refusal to speak English (even when they know how)
  • refusing to line up for stuff and resistance to other quaint Canadian customs, like decent customer service and not marrying your cousin
  • overwhelming attachment to the “old country”
  • overall belligerence and troublemaking

The nation votes a la American Idol and the loser gets stuck in a dinghy and pushed out to sea.

What does the winner get?  Do they win dinner at Toronto’s finest restaurant as well as being trapped inside the CN Tower’s elevator with Mr. & Mrs. Shaidle? Nah, some booby prize.   Or does the winner get to push Kathy & hubby in that dinghy toward the winner’s home country? Or do they simply push them off the dinghy when they see the sharks?  Nah, don’t wanna frighten the sharks.

3 comments to So Kathy Shaidle Wants To Be a Game Show Host

  • I don’t get this kind of hatred of immigrants by conservatives. Most immigrants in Canada are conservative. They are helping Harper keep power. They are on Shaidle’s side. That’s some kind of hate, when you denigrate your own supporters, just because you despise their different cultural and personal traits.

  • JJ

    I would be surprised if La Shaidle was a CPC supporter. She’s actually a pretty good example of that “small-c” conservative discussed a couple of posts back.

  • Kev

    While the racists among us are in the minority,they definitely are emboldened of late, finding as they have kindred spirits inside the ruling party and the Toronto Sun. While this cacophony of hatred is to say the least disheartening,it can only result in motivating more people to vote against the Cons.