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Afghanistan, mission in…

I emailed this letter to my MP yesterday.  No reply as of yet.

The Honourable
Dr. Keith Martin
Member of Parliament
Esquimalt, Juan De Fuca
Doctor Martin;
It has come to my attention that the mission in Afghanistan has become extended, all of a sudden, to everyone’s surprise! ( I do not believe this to be true.)  I feel that the Harper Conservatives have lied to us.  My son is scheduled to go next summer.  I am proud of his commitment and dedication to our nation.  I do not feel that this mission is just or that it is being conducted lawfully. 
So I ask you, as my representative, to veto any bill put forth to extend the mission.  When we send our people offshore to war, we need to search our collective souls and decide if the mission is just, necessary and achievable. 
You know as well as I, that as long as NATO uniforms parade on their soil, Afghans will be drawn to extremism.  We need to withdraw completely, let the Americans train their puppets.  We can provide raw materials, if we can send raw logs to China, why not send them to Afghanistan, to the former miltary compounds and set up a sort of community futures facilitator to accept local business proposals for milling the lumber and building schools and housing for the villages we may or may not have, accidentally or otherwise, blown up.  These organizations should be run locally, by way of commitees of elders and educators and women.  I have a feeling that if we reached out in friendship, with local jobs and economies, seed banks and farm implements, micro-lending to women, that the taliban would lose recruits quickly.  People would nominate their own choices for parliament.  If they work hard, they can achieve democracy.  Please , you know full well that democracy cannot be imposed.
The Liberal Party is beginning to look much like a coalition with the Harper Conservatives.  You have propped them up on numerous occasions in legislation that historically is unprecedented.  The stand down on that little matter about Parliamentary Privledge on the Afghan Detainee thing.  The omnibus budget.  Columbia Free Trade Agreement.  The HST.  You are not making any friends this way.
Please listen to the women of Afghanistan when they beg us to end our military occupation of their homeland.
Thanks, Kim

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