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Fledgling anti-’Obamacare’ GOP Congressman worries about his own free healthcare

You have to wonder if these people ever look at themselves without rose-coloured glasses. Self-examination eludes them. This newly-minted GOPer campaigned on repealing Obama’s health care program. But now he’s been elected, Republican Andy Harris got a little testy when he found out he has to wait 30 days to receive his free healthcare paid for by the American people.

According to Glenn Thrush of Politico, Harris created a stir at the orientation meeting by demanding to know why he had to wait a month after he was sworn in in January for his government-subsidized health care to kick in. After responding in a huff, he even asked if there was some way he could buy into the government care in advance, seemingly thinking there might be a government program similar to the so-called ‘public option’ championed by progressive Democrats in 2009.

According to an unnamed congressional staffer quoted by Thrush, Harris stood up at the meeting “and asked the two ladies who were answering questions why it had to take so long, what he would do without 28 days of health care.”

1 comment to Fledgling anti-’Obamacare’ GOP Congressman worries about his own free healthcare

  • ck

    HA! Take that Mr. Harris! I like it when these cons get a taste of their own medicine. Too bad he isn’t likely to learn from this experience, though.