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Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman

Yes, this “soshalist” beauty is brought to you by Rep Todd Akin (R-MO), who gives lessons about the pilgrims and Thanksgiving. Well, why don’t I just let him tell it in his own words, because, I certainly can’t do it justice.

“They came here with the idea that after trying socialism that it wasn’t going to work,” he said.

“They realized that it was unbiblical, that it was a form of theft, so they pitched socialism out. They learned that in the early 1620’s.”

Considering Henri de Simon, who advocated technocracy and industrial planning and first coined the term “socialisme”, wasn’t even born until 1760.  Not to mention,  the origins of socialism stemmed from the French Revolution in 1789  and changes coming from the Industrial Revolution.

I see the Congressman has a little trouble with time, given he’s more than a century off.

Read the rest of the article here where you can also get revisionist history lessons from such “scholars” like John Stossel.

2 comments to Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman

  • I think I see your problem. There are two different definitions of the term “socialism”, and you’re confusing them.

    For most of humanity, “socialism” means “an economic theory based on common ownership and co-operative management of the means of production and allocation of resources”.

    For American Republicans, “socialism” means “anything I dislike”.

    See the difference?

  • Torontonian

    This is no different than Pat Robertson’s
    comment that the first settlers to the
    Virginia settlement founded the nation
    on Biblical principles.

    The fact is that the Virginia settlement
    was mainly deists and not Christians
    in the true sense of the word.

    By making the statement at the outset,
    the idea is to get the listener to “buy”
    the rest of the argument.

    Nice try–but most of us can think for

    Why do these people always pander and lie
    to the lesser educated? If that’s their
    “flock”, I’m happier off where I am!