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Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

I haven’t had that much exposure to Fox News North but from what I’ve seen there’s obviously something fishy happening at that network which is symptomatic of a bigger issue with the North American right-wing male of the species. Listening to Brian Lilley’s chipmunk voice or recoiling from Mark Bonokoski’s lispy spittle or laughing at Michael Coren’s clutching of the pearls is pause enough. Whining and kvetching used to be viewed as effeminate; now it is considered a badge of manly honour on the right, especially at Fox News, north and south.

But it’s Krista Erickson’s slightly legs apart stance, furrowed-brow, and angry gesticulations that define Sun News Network. She’s the resident school marm, brought in to keep her little fellows in line. There’s a definite lack of testosterone at the network but this token blonde woman is bringing it big time.

What’s happening at Fox News North is just part of a new wave of North American conservatism. Whether it be momma’s boys (Jonah Goldberg, Jonathan Kay) or talentless WATB dunces riding on their dad’s dime (Bill Kristol, John Podheretz), the right wing is burdened with a legacy of doing things on the backs of benefactors.

Look at FNN’s daddy network, full of willful bimbos and effete males such as Doocy and Kilmeade. The be-a-man, do-it-yourself rhetoric of the right wing does not match its entitled elitism of nepotism, privilege and the right to bear snivels.

The right wing blogosphere is especially rich in wingnut welfare. Short on rent money this month? Pen a column for the local Sun or Post paper. Better yet, put up a dozen or so contribution badges on your blog and beg, beg, beg. Because being a professional victim is hard work (not to mention all those pending defamation suits).

Dominated by dominatrices in Canada (Shaidle and McMillan) and ruled by hateful shrews in the States (Malkin and Geller), the right-wing blogosphere is full of puffy, goateed males beholding to their masters in the conservative media and on-line mistresses who bark their next move.  Plus, these dudes are just plain horny. Can’t blame ‘em for that. You’d be, too.

Whenever the right accuses the left of being ‘pantie-waists’, think of the right wing today. I mean it’s great that it is full of strong, pin-up women. Just too bad about the men.

UPDATE: Stellar recounting of Fox News North’s not-so-immaculate conception.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.

2 comments to Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

  • ck

    Yanno, when you put all those pictures on the same page, the fox news, original and sun TV all look like they belong in rubber padded cells in the insane assylum

  • Ezzy looks especially putzy in his fluorescent Oompa-Loompa wig. (Not that he doesn’t normally, he just does it especially when he’s in drag.)

    And yeah, why ARE all right-wing men such wimps? Just as their women are all bitches. Something is definitely awry there. None of them seem comfortable in their own skins.