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Now There’s a Comforting Thought…

That Ubercon wet dream of Stevie Spiteful’s that he went all ga ga giddy over at Mayor Boss Hogg’s hootenanny last summer that was videotaped. Yanno, that video that the Cons seem to  feverishly keep chasing their tails,  trying to keep it off the intertoobz without much success. Well, boys ‘n’ girls, here it is again.

Mayor Boss Hogg’s guest, Stevie Spiteful ain’t just a very special guest. He’s a very VERY VERY special guest. Remember that. Very special indeed. Another very, and he’d qualify as ol’ Robbie’s man crush.  In more ways than one. And Stevie ain’t paid for it! Ain’t that altruistic of him?

A Conservative Dynasty! Well, I’m waiting for Alexis Colby AkA Joan Collins to appear.

Never mind that the only mess in Toronto these days is actually of Mayor Boss Hogg and Donut Dougy’s making. Never mind that David Miller, Boss Hogg’s predecessor actually left a surplus.

Yep, Stevie Spiteful’s little ‘hat trick’ pathetic hockey coach pep talk to the faithful lapdogs at said hootenanny. Now, ain’t that comforting?

Now who will clean up the right winged mess?

Now, share the video. Pass it along.  Facebook it. Tweet it. You can even download a copy here.

H/T: WK, Impolitical, Lorne

2 comments to Now There’s a Comforting Thought…

  • Alison S

    By cleaning up the mess, he presumably means blowing the surplus, destroying programs that work, silencing any critics, destroying our international reputation, turning Canada into a mini-police state, and generally being a divisive nasty little shit.

  • themaddestbird

    Loved it!