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CNN analyst irate after viewing Lena Dunham voting video: “depraved world destined for the fire.” Yes, it’s that good.

I’m not much of a Lena Dunham fan. But anyone who can drive wingnuts ’round the bend like she is doing with her “Your First Time” video is AOK with me.

CNN’s Erick Erickson had a coronary after seeing it, tweeting, “We do live in a fallen, depraved world destined for the fire.” (He also noted, “Romans 1 teaches that when God turns a people loose the first sins they embrace are the sexual lusts of the flesh.” No, I’m not joking. A CNN analyst actually wrote that.)

Meanwhile, here’s what all the fuss is about.

Shorter Lena Dunham: “You Don’t Own Me”

X-posted at Let Freedom Rain under different title

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