Comments on: A Few Questions Regarding Senate Gate, Some Thoughts and Why Is All Excused if You’re a Conservative? Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyond Mon, 16 Sep 2013 02:43:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: kootcoot kootcoot Fri, 24 May 2013 23:12:41 +0000 “Too bad there wasn’t a War of 1813 he could spend 30 million of our dollars to ram down our throats”

Well, the 1812 extravaganza was into its second year, how about a second year celebration and since two is bigger than one, spend 60 million dollars. Steve could celebrate in 2014 too, because the Battle of New Orleans happened on January 8, 1815 the famous song was put to the melody of a fiddle tune of that name (Eighth of January – written to commemorate the battle. The words were added about a century and a half later, BUT, unbeknownst to Old Hickory and crew the war was already over by the time this battle was fought……no phones, telegraphs or inter-toobz in dem days.

I always wondered why Stevie wanted to celebrate so much a war in which Canada was on the losing side, the high point was burning the US Capitol – which didn’t lead to an eternal Global War on Terror! Of course since Steve would rather be an American Republican, in his mind it may have been a victory.

By: Erik T Erik T Wed, 22 May 2013 02:15:23 +0000 Talk about a “sense of entitlement”!! That’s the charge laid against anyone opposed to modern conservative politics, yet they are as guilty as anyone of having this “sense of entitlement”. Just watched the latest from Mansbridge a moment ago- Harper’s refusal to answer anyone’s questions was telling. The Liberals need to condense the best of that footage from today, and split it with footage of Harper’s self righteous platitudes about openness and transparency, and fire them off tomorrow for their next ad campaign. It looks more and more like Harper will want to suspend parliament. Too bad there wasn’t a War of 1813 he could spend 30 million of our dollars to ram down our throats. Maybe he’ll make up a terror scare. Then again, all these prorogations-of-parliament don’t seem to faze or concern Conservatives at all…

By: 900ft 900ft Mon, 20 May 2013 12:40:02 +0000 this latest scandal has been incredible, really showing the depths not only of corruption, but how far harper and his people have gone in believing they are not only above the law, but all powerful and entitled.

So many aspects to this. Ray Novak, chosen, I’m sure, because he would be willing to take the complete fall for the next illegal act ordered by harper. Of course harper knew. With Novak, it’ll be harder to claim ignorance when some horrible order is issued because the nature of the relationship between harper and Novak is well known. It is said no one is closer to harper than Ray.

Just mind boggling. Did you see the PMO statement on wright’s resignation? Really bizarre, brief, with a floating statement at the end pretty much ordering Canadians not to pay atention to the issue, but to focus on the government’s rhetoric on the economy and jobs.

I’m pretty cynical when it comes to this government and media coverage, but I don’t think this latest will fade easily. It will leave a mark. McGregor and Maher winning an award for good journalism, the constant blaming of the press when unpleasant truths are written about harper & co., and Duffy turning on past colleagues…this may be what’s been giving other journalists more of a bite, lately. I hope so. This rot can’t just settle, forgotten, glossed over by pandas, Laureen’s latest adventures, or – look! Justin said something silly!
