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“Christian” Family Values?


Texas judge William Adams beats his daughter with a belt. Warning: this video will trigger victims of abuse. I could only watch about thirty seconds at a time.

The video has gone viral, with well over five million hits as of this writing. A few points for context: the daughter’s “crime” was to . . . → Read More: “Christian” Family Values?

Cover-ups, Abuses, Denials and Insults Aren’t Going to Draw More to The Catholic Church, Right Babs?


When the scandals broke out yet again about priests sexually abusing childen and subsequent cover ups by Catholic Church officials, my mother mused, wondering if my maternal grandmother were still alive, what would she have thought of those scandals? How would she have handled them? I never answered, that is, until now.

My . . . → Read More: Cover-ups, Abuses, Denials and Insults Aren’t Going to Draw More to The Catholic Church, Right Babs?