Archived posts

Being Oppositional, ‘Socialist’ Filibuster Drinking Games, Pandering to the Misinformed, Attempting To Debunk Some Myths


Finally, I post my thoughts about the NDP filibuster of Stevie Spiteful’s draconian Back to work legislation of  locked out Canada Post workers and the press coverage it has received, along with many Canadians’ attitude toward it.  I’m not only concerned at Canadians’  attitudes toward Bill c-6, but also all the misinformation that . . . → Read More: Being Oppositional, ‘Socialist’ Filibuster Drinking Games, Pandering to the Misinformed, Attempting To Debunk Some Myths

How Bill C-6 Can Set a Dangerous Precedent For All Working Canadians, Including Non-Unionized Workers


Assuming Stevie Spiteful stays in power, that is, and after watching both the NDP and the Liberals, this week-end, along with Stevie Spiteful’s spin machine in his media, it looks like it could well be for a very, very long time to come.  Only a very sleep deprived Lizzy May seemed to have . . . → Read More: How Bill C-6 Can Set a Dangerous Precedent For All Working Canadians, Including Non-Unionized Workers