Archived posts

Quebec May Open Safe Injection Sites A L’Insite And Compassion Club


It would be about time and why shouldn’t we? We are, after all, a province of progress or supposed to be. After all, we opened the first Compassion club, a place, highly supervised, where sick people with the prescription from a medical professional can obtain medicinal marijuana, albeit, on the fringes of the . . . → Read More: Quebec May Open Safe Injection Sites A L’Insite And Compassion Club

Looks Like Dr. Kellie Leitch of Simcoe-Grey Made Her Choice a Long Time Ago


It appears that hundreds of health professionals are now putting Harpercon MP for Simcoe-Grey, Kellie Leitch on the hot seat in an open letter, basically reminding her of that pesky little hippocratic oath she took when she decided to practise medicine in her previous life, and denounce her own government’s stance on asbestos.

. . . → Read More: Looks Like Dr. Kellie Leitch of Simcoe-Grey Made Her Choice a Long Time Ago