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on becoming human

As I lay in bed listening to the chorus of birdsong this morning, a thought occurred to me.  The reason Progressives keep failing in our mission to create a more humane world is simple.  As Progressive people, we have a well developed sense of empathy, we really want a better world for everyone, . . . → Read More: on becoming human

Glenn Beck On Evolution-And If it Doesn’t Beat O’Donnell’s, It Comes a Close Second

Remember when Christine O’Donnell said she didn’t believe in evolution because “monkeys are not still evolving  into humans”?

Well, Glenn Beck just came up with a doozy of his own. Never mind his misunderstood rantings over creationism and global warming. He’s never seen a “half monkey/half human”? I guess Glenn Beck never looks . . . → Read More: Glenn Beck On Evolution-And If it Doesn’t Beat O’Donnell’s, It Comes a Close Second