Archived posts

Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing


I haven’t had that much exposure to Fox News North but from what I’ve seen there’s obviously something fishy happening at that network which is symptomatic of a bigger issue with the North American right-wing male of the species. Listening to Brian Lilley’s chipmunk voice or recoiling from Mark Bonokoski’s lispy spittle or . . . → Read More: Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

The Onion comes to Canada. Sun’s Mark Bonokoski on Jack Layton.


I’m stealing this directly from Dan Gardner. It’s too perfect to leave on the Twitter floor.

This video defines ‘blowhard’ - Mark Bonokoski in a jealous rage over the attention given to Jack Layton on his passing. These guys just can’t stand a lefty taking up media space they feel they alone deserve to occupy. It’s driving. them. insane.

P.S. . . . → Read More: The Onion comes to Canada. Sun’s Mark Bonokoski on Jack Layton.