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Bill Maher: America is Like a Dog


As much as I love Michael Moore and deplore the Islamophobic statements Bill Maher made not long ago,  he nails it when he says “America is like a dog”. In this case, the abused dog went toward someone who offered the treat of lower taxes and smaller government, basically, but instead will abuse . . . → Read More: Bill Maher: America is Like a Dog

The Americanization of Canadian Health Care: First, Quebec, Then, Rest of Canada


Yes, everyone is all abuzz about this health care so-called user fee. As I mentioned previously, if the fee was a fixed price going up to 200$ per year and it ended there, I would be ok with that given 200$ at the end of the year is still not the American Private . . . → Read More: The Americanization of Canadian Health Care: First, Quebec, Then, Rest of Canada

Some Pre-Health Care Reform Vote Cartoons…Everything is Evul Soshalism! Michael Moore With Rachel Maddow


Yes, that significantly watered down health care bill is to be voted on tomorrow. Bart Stupak is still on the rampage, willing to sink the bill in order to have specific language that is supposed to accomplish all but repeal the decision of Roe v Wade. Yes, it’s more important to him that . . . → Read More: Some Pre-Health Care Reform Vote Cartoons…Everything is Evul Soshalism! Michael Moore With Rachel Maddow

Saturday Nite Nostalgia–A Down with Neo-con-ish, Soshalist-ish Folksie-Trippy Kinda Way


Yeah, we’re stickin’ with the ‘what’s old is new again’ them to cap off a Saturday.

I’m goin’ to send this out to St-Stevie, Jason Kenney,  Helena Guergis, Rahim Jaffer, Jim Flaherty, Vic Toews, Reverend Stock; oh hell! All the Harpercons, cause if they do gets their majority, I think many of us . . . → Read More: Saturday Nite Nostalgia–A Down with Neo-con-ish, Soshalist-ish Folksie-Trippy Kinda Way