Archived posts

My Comment for Ex-lax Max


I call Maxime Bernier this because I find he looks constipated when he poses for pictures.

I had the misfortune of reading his miserable speech he gave in Calgary. He loves being called the Albertan of Quebec. Great! Then why doesn’t he just leave Quebec for Alberta then?

It was on his blog . . . → Read More: My Comment for Ex-lax Max

More Evidence North American Society is Declining


I have to say,  I am discouraged. It is indeed a dark day for me and I have been seeing more and more of those lately.

First, I get pissed off reading wall postings from an American neo-con redneck who decided to set up camp and troll at the Facebook group, No Shona . . . → Read More: More Evidence North American Society is Declining

Tea-Baggers Protest Their Own Convention


This is cute for some Saturday nite humor.

I couldn’t believe one of the headlines splashed under a big picture of See Sawah run on Huffington Post. It would seem there is now a battle between the haves and the have nots.   There is a group of  4 tea-baggers protesting outside of; you . . . → Read More: Tea-Baggers Protest Their Own Convention

Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK! Get your Meds Adjusted! Abortion is Covered Here; Why Shouldn’t It Be Covered Elsewhere?


I was goofing off on Twitter after dinner to check news updates and other tweets from followers, those I follow, and yes, sometimes the ultra neo-con tweets for entertainment. This evening’s session on Twitter led me once again to Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK’s  ( Big Blue Wave if you must know).  In all honesty, even . . . → Read More: Suzy ALLCAPSLOCK! Get your Meds Adjusted! Abortion is Covered Here; Why Shouldn’t It Be Covered Elsewhere?

Why Harpercons and other Neocons Have a Clear Advantage and Why it Must Change


After reading that title, anyone scared? You should be, that is, unless, of course, you are a neo-con and even then, much like the tea-baggers south of the border, they are only swallowing what today’t corporatist media is spoon feeding them. Like their tea-bagging friends, most don’t have a clue what they’re signing . . . → Read More: Why Harpercons and other Neocons Have a Clear Advantage and Why it Must Change