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Gary Lunn shills for Big Oil.

Tweet *Update from Holly Stick at the bottom of this post. Today in the local corporate fishwrap, appears the local Harper Mouthpiece, Gary Lunn.  He admonishes us to “Let the Professionals Decide on Tanker Routes”.  

Decisions on the safety of supertankers transporting oil through B.C.’s northern waterways should be left to professionals instead . . . → Read More: Gary Lunn shills for Big Oil.

update from BC.


Really the definitive piece for describing the mourning taking place in BC right now…for justice, for freedom of the press, transparency, democracy.  BC Mary, Robin Mathews, Rafe Mair and Peter Ewart have it all.  Including the battle cry to the people, we will not roll over and let you do this on our watch!  . . . → Read More: update from BC.