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UN Women Canada humiliates itself


Look, I know UN Women Canada is largely a volunteer organization. As such, one cannot expect too much from people who freely give of their own time for the better good. But much like what has happened to the Susan G. Komen foundation after it withdrew support from Planned Parenthood at the behest of right-wing elements, UN . . . → Read More: UN Women Canada humiliates itself

Harper off to UN


At which point will Harper pull out the bathroom break trick?

A. Not getting what he wants out of Ban Ki-moon.

B. David Cameron resists Harper’s warmongering on Libya.

C: Leaders express disgust with Harper’s lack of commitment to women and children.

Cross posted at Let Freedom . . . → Read More: Harper off to UN

OK, the UN really is totally out to lunch. Harper tapped to lead women’s aid commission.


This is the most sickening bit of news I’ve heard in a year of sickening news. How can someone who has absolutely no respect for the rights of women be in charge of women’s issues?

OTTAWA — The head of the United Nations has appointed Canada’s prime minister to lead a group that . . . → Read More: OK, the UN really is totally out to lunch. Harper tapped to lead women’s aid commission.

Haiti Cholera Update #17


The latest MSPP (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population) report as of 24 November 2010 showed 72,017 cases of cholera accounting for1,648 deaths since the outbreak began. There have been 31,210 hospitalizations. The hospital mortality rate is 3.6%. Cholera promptly treated has a mortality rate of 1-2%. There are reasons  to believe, as noted . . . → Read More: Haiti Cholera Update #17

Conservatives blow UN seat


If the Liberals were in power, it would have been a shoo-in. We’ve always been successful before. Now we have Harper. And the world knows it. Too bad a third of Canadians have no clue. What will it take before they realize Canada is being taken over by a megalomaniac authoritarian incompetent without . . . → Read More: Conservatives blow UN seat