Comments on: More Coalition Talk: Could This Simply Be a Way to Get Jack Layton to Sign Iggy’s Walking Papers? Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyond Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:45:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: ck ck Sat, 05 Jun 2010 00:59:09 +0000 Hi Fillibluster and welcome again to the blogosphere. It’s my first year at this as well…

I used to wholeheartedly, both fists forward advocate for a merger or coalition of the left. In an ideal world (Canada as the case is here), I would still whole heartedly support such a move; preference to something more permanent such as a merger.

I also used to hope against hope that Jane and Joe Centrist who hang out at the neighbourhood Timmy’s was still left of center or even dead center. Reality is that they have been shifting to the right and are continuing to be led in that direction with the help of today’s corporate media which is now slanted to the right. In fact, in 2006 and 2008, many of these newspapers formally endorsed Harpercon in those elections.

The Liberals owned the center because the make up of their MPs was a mixed bag. You had the left wing faction (some call the NDP-Libs) and the Blue Grits (that meaning is obvious). Something for eveyone.

IF Jack and the Left faction of the liberals were to go into coalition; what do you think happens to the blue grits? Many would surely cross the floor to the Harpercon camp. Let’s face it; if former progressive conservatives/red tories can swallow their moderate ideology in favour of power and gladly took that sharp right turn, so would many of those blue grits. Steve would of course welcome them as that means more seats; closer to that coveted majority.

Another problem with a coalition is that it’s another short term solution which promises another trip to the polls in short order. Remember, Mr & Mrs Joe Centrist don’t like going to the Polling station; it takes time out of their Timmy’s time. In fact, as we learned last fall when Iggy dropped the gauntlet, many Canadians reacted violently, thus proving a phobia of polling stations. Steve’s by-election campaign last November’s slogan of “de l’action: Pas d’election” was born from that rabid reaction.

I will be expanding further on this in future posts. It’s time to play devil’s advocate again; the pragmatic, because being in denial of certain realities isn’t going to help our cause.

I’m going to be blogging about the center; probably in 2 separate posts.

By: Fillibluster Fillibluster Fri, 04 Jun 2010 21:22:37 +0000 The NDP have been sniping at the Libs because that’s where they hope to pick up votes. And realistically, the only place they can. I’ve voted for both parties at different times in the past, and would welcome any move to unite the “left”, which is really what used to be the center.
