Comments on: Wishes That Helena Guergis and Her Unborn Baby Pull Through This Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyond Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:45:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: ck ck Fri, 13 Aug 2010 00:35:20 +0000 Those Harpercons are evil. I don’t even know why Helena Guergis would even bother to attempt to go back to the Harpercons.

So it’s the mayor of Barrie. So much for the rumour of Dr Kellie Leitch running. Wonder what happened? Perhaps the good doctor realized what a misogynist backwards ass her boss would be.

And yes, it is shameful that MacKay or the other Harpercons couldn’t at least display enough humanity to wish Ms Guergis and her unborn baby well.

By: Toe Toe Thu, 12 Aug 2010 22:05:36 +0000 Ditto.

According to Garth Turner was at least voted out by caucus, Geurgis was not. Shame on the Cons. The Barrie Mayor is running for her seat.
And according to the article McKay was sorry Geurgis wasn’t there, but made no mention whatsoever of wishing her and her baby boy well. Shame.
