Comments on: Travers ponders a Conservative majority Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyond Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:45:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: ck ck Sat, 09 Oct 2010 23:27:24 +0000 You assume Jane and Joe Six Pack and the rest of the Timmy’s Crowd have smarts or principles to begin with these days. I mean, look at the new design at the Globe? Made to fit their short attention spans. Sorry, to say this and really, probably a bad idea, that I point out the painfully obvious, because, pointing out the truth like this is why they keep being mesmerized by Steve. Remember, when Iggy tried to get oppositional last year, Steve’s numbers went up to majority territority and Iggy’s plummeted. He hasn’t recovered since. Every time the Liberals try to get oppositional, the media come out with headlines like “Liberals think they’re the Natural Governing Party” or “Liberals not ready to lead” Or “Liberals Too Arrogant!” And the Timmy’s Crowd eats it up with a spoon. Oh yeah! Steve does all those things, yet, somehow it’s ok from him.

Case in point, ADSCAM is still being talked about. They’re still being hammered over the head with it. To be fair, why should Iggy take ownership of it? He wasn’t in the country when it happened. Hell, a friend of mine, Pascal Zamprelli ran for the open Liberal nomination in the riding of Jeanne Le Ber, (he lost, I”m sorry to say; candidates like him are that party needs), was not a candidate and was only 16 year old high school student when ADSCAM came out, yet people chastised the poor kid for it! Imagine.

Yet, that same crowd of tea-baggers forgive Airbus and Karlheinz Schreiber affair and Steve doesn’t wear any of it, does he? He’s got scandals brewing like that Sean Bruyea debacle, that whole kerfuffle with Christian Paradis and another with Pierre Polievre, yet that same Timmy’s crowd is probably immune; probably know nothing about it.

The double standard used by the Timmy’s crowd, who are the majority in the country, regarding these scandals is just one example as to how near impossible they are to win away from STeve these days.

These same people are racist, anti-immigrant and want the big-assed prisons and want the tougher hard time sentences. And yes, they’re even willing to forego the mandatory long form census to get it.

I really don’t believe all Timmy’s are Cons; they are just regular folks waiting to be inspired and charmed.

It is more complicated than that. They want to see a three ring circus; a dog and pony show. they have short attention spans; hence the appeal of new design layouts at the Grope & Fail and the “lock and load” Sun Media. They’re rowled up, angry tea-baggers, just like in America. As Tea-bagging Tommy Schnurmacher said on the radio, candidates like Christine O’Donnell who believe mice have human brains among her other stupidities, are appealing to them & their anger. Just like the Rob Ford phenomenon. In the words of John Candy (paraphrase, been awhile I saw “the Great Outdoors”) the Timmy’s Crowd may start having an interest in Iggy or Layton if their heads spin and they toss up pea-soup. They want tricks, superheroes and stunt men. Or somebody just as belligerent and as angry and willing to take out their own short comings on others.

The Liberals have already put out a family plan, regarding home care and having to care for family members with extensions on EI and such, yet no one pays attention. Folks want to see ideas and policies. They come up with them; they’re either ignored or scoffed.

I went to both a Liberal Express stop here in Montreal and the open Mike in Outremont not long ago. Iggy did well. That open mike event in Outremont was tough audience. Hell, even a tea-bagger with a frickin ukelele, I wanted to rush up and break over his head! He answered the questions, unscripted. He’s meeting actual Canadians, but those polling firms prove that the angy Timmy’s crowd are determined to keep him down there.

By: Jymn Jymn Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:30:14 +0000 The key words, ck, are: “The NDP and the Liberals need to grab those votes away from STeve.” That’s the problem, neither party seems to want it bad enough. The Cons do. They will do anything for power. The NDP and Liberals like to think that they have principles. Too late, buddies. It’s time to fight. Joe Six Pack is ready and waiting. I really don’t believe all Timmy’s are Cons; they are just regular folks waiting to be inspired and charmed. It’s really not complicated. The Cons reach out to people not with speeches or by shaking hands but by appealing to their patriotism and fears. We can do better. It’s a fine line between dirty politicking and good campaigning. It’s art and neither Ignatieff nor Layton are artists. Need a new palette, guys. It’s time to fight!

By: ck ck Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:16:46 +0000 Problem is the polls from every polling firm. No matter what happens, the Harpercons flirt with majority territory. And we’re dealing with the majority centrists of Jane & Joe Six Pack who hang out at Timmy Horton’s who have Stevie Spiteful’s attention. He patronizes them and such, but he is pandering to them. It’ s the same phenonomenon that is going to get that purple faced whale Rob Ford elected mayor in supposed “liberal” Toronto. The politics of “anger”–none of these elite politicians listen, yadda yadda yadda. The NDP and the Liberals need to grab those votes away from STeve. Those same people used to vote Liberal once upon a time. Now, thanks to a right slanted Harpercon friendly media that caters to them (hell, Sun Media doesn’t use big words, for Gawd’s Sake! And look at the new decorative Grope & Fail??). Until the Timmy’s crowd are pandered to by progressive politicians, Steve could well get his majority.

By: Jymn Jymn Sat, 09 Oct 2010 20:11:50 +0000 Me too. There doesn’t seem to anyone out there at the moment. There is but it looks like it is up to us to find that person. Who could it be?

By: Kim Kim Sat, 09 Oct 2010 17:43:34 +0000 It’s looking like we don’t have an opposition at all, more like three branches of the same criminal gang who take turns propping eachother up.

We need to find someone with the balls and the vision. Someone who brings people together with a progressive playbook. Who that is, mystifies me.
