Comments on: My Prediction? We’re a Goin’ To Have an Early Snap Federal Election Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyond Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:38:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: SD Sat, 08 Feb 2014 17:19:32 +0000 It’s a very good analysis of a possible early election. While the Conservative Party is weak in the polls, it is still strong organizationally. The opposite is generally true for the NDP and Liberals. The NDP has a strong leader. However, the party still needs time to build up its campaign team across the country. Justin Trudeau needs to like a leader ready to govern.

Generally in the federal election campaigns, Harper has done well to reach enough voters by talking about micro-economic needs for families–lower taxes, tax credits for childcare, sports tax credits for children, and so on. He reaches out to voters’ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs by touching on the basic needs. Other parties tend to focus on higher needs such as having a clean environment and this pie-in-the sky thing called “universal health care.” If I am poor, I am going to support someone who can supposedly help me save a buck-or-two immediately. That is Stephen Harper. Clean environments cost money out of a poor pay cheque even though in the long run, the benefits will likely outweigh the costs.

The Conservatives will be ready for a day-after Labour Day election. Conservative supporters will be at their summer cottages and other resort places where the nasty opposition won’t be able to sway them. Harper will be able to campaign in the swing ridings where the poor saps without a second summer residence will be pounded with Harper-steria.
