Sister Sage's Musings » Stephen Maher
Center-left blog from Canadians across the country and beyondWed, 26 Jun 2013 03:36:13 +0000en-UShourly1 2012. A nation of warmongers, plagiarizers, misogynists, Islamaphobes and despots, 30 Sep 2012 12:49:43 +0000Jymn
There are times when I almost regain my faith in Canadian journalism. For every Margaret Wente or Sylvia Stead there is a Stephen Maher or Glen McGregor. The latter duo is especially gratifying, seeing that they are being published by the bastard child of Conrad Black and the rigidly . . . → Read More: Canada 2012. A nation of warmongers, plagiarizers, misogynists, Islamaphobes and despots]]> Centre’s inclusive policies: Stephen Maher thrown out of conference. Replies, “kiss my ass”., 10 Mar 2012 21:08:57 +0000Jymn is disgusting. Stephen Maher, along with Glen McGregor, is doing a yeoman’s job of reporting the beginnings of the Robocalls scandal. For his honest work, which incidentally appears in the right-wing National Post, the Manning Centre has booted him from their conference. Must not have any reporting that might not dress up the conference . . . → Read More: Manning Centre’s inclusive policies: Stephen Maher thrown out of conference. Replies, “kiss my ass”.]]>