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Ok, My Last Ann Coulter Post– Hopefully: Until the Next Shit She Pulls

The only one of two  moderate-Progressive  hosts of CJAD, Dan Laxer  today asked the question if Canada took a hit for that whole Ottawa debacle. So, Dan, this one’s for you. First of all, it’s a good idea to tell your call screener to keep creepy cretinous quacks like the Rancid Dr. Jabba the Roy on the phone.  No really! Leave fools like that for con buffoons like Tommy and Ricky P. Really, Dan, you’re better than that. Also, do not sound all mad to the likes of that quack for calling you a leftist; he  thinks medicare is like some old Russian Gulag system. For Gawd’s sake, he thinks the insufferable “fear for the Nanny state”  Beryl Wajsman is still a liberal.

First things first, I think you and your listeners are smart enough to know that the Ottawa debacle was a public Relations stunt from top to bottom. That is something either you or Anne Lagace Dowson really should explore; this publicity stunt. Don’t count on it from Tommy, Kim or Ricky P. Hmmm, maybe Andrew Carter could venture into that. I also highly recommend this posting from Dr. Dawg and this from JJ of Unrepentant Old Hippie; both of which support the publicity stunt theory.  Funny, how it takes a bunch of unpaid bloggers to bring this theory up, but not corporate media, eh?

Secondly, the Annie getcher guns and  Ezzy IrreLevant groupies themselves cancelled the event. Not the University; not the Ottawa police. At most, they suggested that they find a larger venue to accommodate all those folks.

Now, your question. This answer definitely screams for some snark here.  Think about this.  After clearing a room at a G77 climate change talks,  fucking up at Copenhagen,attempting to turning us into Georgie and Dickie’s Americana;  all transgressions courtesy of St-Stevie and the Harpercons, including fucking off UN week in New York  City climate talks to have dinner and sucking up to and brown nosing Mayor Bloomberg’s ass as well as Obama’s speech in favor of coffee and donuts at Timmy’s: We already wrecked our reputation on the world stage awhile ago; Canada stopped being one of the cool kids then. You should talk about that on another show.

I’m way more concerned about our reputation being wrecked on the world stage by St-Stevie rather than worry what  the idiotic tea-bagger hit parade thinks of us.  In fact, the tea-bagger hit parade never had any kind words for Canada. Why should we care now?  They started hating us the moment Shona Holmes started spewing her garbage about our health care system for Conservative public interest groups and lobbyists and became the darling of Fox News. Even if Annie getcher guns did get to speak at U of O, the tea-bagger hit parade and the Fox News crowd and their groupies  still wouldn’t like anything about Canada. To these idiots, Muslim Commies are hiding under their beds and anything pertaining to healing the sick, helping the poor,  educating the children, helping your fellow man is just evul soshalism. Really Dan, if we were friendly with them and their ilk, I would be truly embarrassed and be really worried.

More importantly, yes, her statements regarding Jews do at the very least border on infringing our hate speech laws, as well as this beauty:

“the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo.”

Read the following, regarding hate speech laws: Section 318 regarding Advocating Genocide and Section 319 regarding Public Incitement of Hatred. I think she more than borders. So once, again, should we really care about what the tea-bagger hit parade thinks of us? Instead, we should be trying to repair our reputation on the world stage.

Here’s to hoping that the Human Rights Commission laughs her and ol’ Ezzy out the door!!

Sidenote: I find it interesting that an Orthodox Jew and son of a Holocaust Survivor like Tommy Schnurmacher would have no problem with her hate speech against Jews in particular, yet someone less religious such as Dan Laxer does think of  it as hate speech. Now who wins credibility here? A no brainer really…

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