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About Sister Sage’s Musings

My original blog  at blogspot was  born out of my frustration for corporatist media of today and its’ slant to the right. It’s too Harpercon friendly.

I always used to attempt to send letters to the editor of various newspapers, but they would never get published.  No matter, because blogging gives me so much more freedom than any newspaper from today’s corporatist media.

I decided to move Sister Sage’s Musings to my own domain as I want it to have a look all its’ own and I have other projects down the road which I will share at a later time and I need the freedom of having my own domain would allow. It will be the same things than my old blogspot version: politics with a view from the left, some left winged snark, other commentary about current events, some pop culture, some personal. Like my old blog, in addition to my writings, I will be showcasing my love for photoshop with satirical image montages.

Right now, Sister Sage’s Musings has grown into a more community blog.  I am always looking for contributors. If you’re of the center to left  persuasion of pretty much any partisan stripe, share my disdain for Harper and his friends and the direction he is taking his country, as well as  concerns for other social issues of the day or if you have a story you think might be of interest for us to publish, email me and we’ll discuss.