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Deep Analysis From Dodo Can’t Spell

Well,here’s a new take on the Mr & Mrs Disfunctional melodrama that I don’t think anyone quite thought of…Yes, Dodo! That’s gotta be it! We lefties secretly hate Muslims and we especially despise bi-racial couples…

However,  since it was Brother Steve who threw her out of caucus based on  what is now perceived to be unreliable information the Liberals turned down before Brother Steve caught wind of it from a less than honorable PI who is in debt up to his eye-balls; please, Maria S Nunes, be sure to put Brother Steve at the top of that list of racist Muslim- bi-racial -couple -hating- lefties.

1 comment to Deep Analysis From Dodo Can’t Spell

  • Conservative Party lawyer Arthur Hamilton apparently brought it to the P.M.’s attention and advised him on it, thus Arthur Hamilton (like the P.M.) must too hate Muslims and interracial couples! Hasn’t Dmitri Soudas also been defending the decision? I sense a trend here.