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Ex-Lax Max is at it Again! Move to Alberta, For the Love of Gawd, Already!

Ok, Ex-Lax Max, are you done trying to suck up to Steve to get back into cabinet? Or are you planning to take his job?  You both suck equally.  

Since you don’t allow me to comment on your blog, I will do it here. What kind of verbal diarrhea was that? And how are corporate tax breaks supposed to help society?  What Max really means, like any good Connie mantra is that the rich should get richer and the poor should be well, stomped on. 

Ex-Lax Max, please allow progressive blogger Bill Longstaff explain why your ideas are stupid and are not helpful for the working class.  Clearly, as Mr. Longstaff points out, smaller government doesn’t mean power to the people.

However, reducing the size of government, which according to the poll is the tea partiers major goal, will not solve their problem. It won’t reduce the influence of the plutocrats. Indeed, it will probably increase it. When power is taken away from government, unfortunately it doesn’t always equitably redistribute itself among the citizenry. If it did, even socialists might support downsizing government. What tends to happen is something quite different. For example, when successive American governments reduced their power over the financial industry, with less regulation and weaker regulators, that power did not seep out into the general public. To the contrary, it was absorbed by those best-situated to grab it — the bankers and financiers. And with diminished government oversight, they exploited and trashed the system.

Bill was writing more for the tea-baggers state side, but what he says can be applied to Canadian politics as well, since politicians like Steve, Jimbo Flaherty and Ex-Lax Max are more and more like GW Bush Americana everyday and getting the Timmy’s crowd in an uproar. Read Mr. Longstaff’s post, it will be worth your while.

Oh and Max, did you try my challenge? Did you ask Steve for that nomination in a coveted Alberta riding you would so desire? If so, what was his reaction?

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