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When the Insane Slam The Insane: Santorum: “Aborted Babies” Wouldn’t Support Herman Cain, Who Would Do All to Make Abortion Illegal, But he’s just A-OK With Illegal abortions!

Oh those Crazy Rethuglicans! Gotta hand it to them, they’re nothing else, if not rip roaringly entertaining at times!  It seems, they’re particularly nuttier when they fight each other in a primary. My co-blogger, Jymn, so explains Santorum’s rip roarious rantings.  I should start paying attention, really!  Yes, according to Rethuglican leadership candidate, Rick Santorum, yes, the one that had (still does) abortion, google problems and problems with dogs peeing on his leg during stump speaches,  is now accusing front runner, Herman Cain of…get ready for it! Being Pro-choice! Yep, a fate worse than death if you’re a Rethuglican I guess.  Santorum goes further reaches new height of Fetus folly with this statement: 

 “The 1.2 million babies aborted in the U.S. last year think otherwise,” the narrator in Santorum’s new ad declares.

Yes, this is a long ad, almost three minutes long, almost exclusively discussing Hermain Cain’s supposed “pro-choice” views. Video below, pass the popcorn, now, boys ‘n’ girls!

Who knew fetuses were capable of political thought? Jymn does just fine ripping that one apart. I won’t touch it any further.

Yes, while Herman Cain actually sounded semi-sane when he said that it’s not up to the government or any bureaucrat to decide what a woman does or doesn’t do with her body and basically and rightfully, said that this campaign shouldn’t have any debate on abortion, don’t get too proud of him just yet, fellow pro-choicers. I will go on to continue from Jymn’s post, here.  Cain does do some back pedalling and yes, manages to sound just as or even more insane than Santorum (boys ‘n’ girls, you decide which of those two escapees from the insane assylum would be more worrysome in public with sharp objects).

Abortion should be illegal, but families will decide whether to break the law in ‘heat of the moment’


“It would be an illegal abortion. Look, abortion should not be legal — that is clear — but if that family made a decision to break the law, that’s their decision,” Cain said.

So, Cain, now, basically suggests that safe, medical abortions must be illegal in all the land, but he’ll basically look the other way if an illegal, unsafe, unsanitary one takes place in some flop house in the back of some dark alley, just like before Roe v Wade?  Ain’t that special?

Oh, Herm! As much as Michele Bachman’s  sweater is really you, doncha think it’s your buddy, Santorum’s turn to wear it now?

Imagine, ol’ Hermie can be the next president of the US! Or any of those clowns, for that matter ( CK shivers).  Something tells me that Mitt Romney, who has all the personality and charisma of a funeral director, has views on abortion that are not for sane talk, neither.

Even scarier is the fact that the US, along with the Eurozone, are in probably the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s, their credit rating from S&P has been downgraded, there are three wars the US are fighting in, concurrently–even for them, that has to be a record; folks are out of work in large numbers and seniors are no doubt, worried about medicare and social security, but abortion is at the top of these Rethuglican candidates’ to do lists?  How twisted is that? Again, be vewy afraid.


1 comment to When the Insane Slam The Insane: Santorum: “Aborted Babies” Wouldn’t Support Herman Cain, Who Would Do All to Make Abortion Illegal, But he’s just A-OK With Illegal abortions!

  • they’re particularly nuttier when they fight each other in a primary

    That’s why the Rethugs are doomed when it comes to the White House in 2012, because in the current teabagger dominated atmosphere anyone who can win the nomination will be doomed in the general unless Obama is caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy. The only sane one in the race is Huntsman and he regularly takes last place with Rethugs but is the only one who could give Obama a run. It is like the “Ransom of Red Chief,” the whackos are holding the Republican Party hostage and no one will, in the end, pay the ransom, because we all know it isn’t productive to give in to terrorists, which is what Bachmann, Cain, Perry, et. al. are and Mitt is doomed because he belongs to a different cult than the rest of ‘em and can’t get the nomination because he invented ObamaCare and used to be for Freedom of Choice before he was Pro-Life!