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It Must Really Suck to be Mark Steyn, Silly Sally, and Other Anti-Help Your Fellow Man Neo-cons

No really! It must suck to be Mark Steyn! I mean, the best he can do is sub in for Redneck Rush from time to time, deal with the crushes of the likes of Wendy “Girl on the Wrong” Sullivan and live in complete paranoia.

Between you,  Silly Sally Pipes and other paranoid neo-cons: how do you get from this pathetic watered down health care bill to President Obama working toward a single payer system? It doesn’t even have a public option for Gawd’s sake! What? You don’t have confidence that the November elections are going to produce an uber-conservative tea-bagger-ready Rethuglican landslide across the board? No confidence that they will more than likely attempt repeal most of this pathetic health care bill successfully?

I heard Silly Sally bull-shit on CJAD’s Tommy Schnurmacher show  last Wednesday with all of her paranoia. To Tommy’s credit though, he didn’t sound like he was buying into all of her bull shit.  When she spoke of the ‘poor underpaid doctors’ in the U.S. who would leave in droves, she couldn’t even muster a convincing answer to Tommy’s question as to where they would go? Of course she couldn’t. She knew what Tommy knew; Tommy more than likely knows what most of us know: Doctors in the U.S. are currently the highest paid in the world. Silly Sally knew that we know. All she could muster was that they would leave the profession or retire. Yep, that’s about all they can do.  Silly Sally continued with her tizzy about how Canadians go to the U.S. for health care and never vice-versa. Well, Silly Sally, actually, I have met people who do meet the criteria do come up here for our health care.

Anyhow, by the looks of things, it seems congratz would be in order here. The bill had enough votes. It seems that all that would be left is Obama’s signature this evening, and assuming the Senate passes the separate package of changes, possibly as soon as this week, that measure would then also go to Mr. Obama, whose signature would bring the process to an end.

Just gotta love Mark Steyn’s little lament about U.S.  money being spent on health care to keep its’ own citizens healthy and productive (for the most part anyway) instead of  most of that money spent on the military is just too funny.  I didn’t hear anything about cuts in military spending in the U.S., but if there are, it’s about time.

Then, there’s dear Hunter.  Oh Lawdy, is there no end to her rantings? Her latest blog posting: appealing to Americans to not accept the health care reform and how terribly off we are with our’s.

We do not have a two tier system here because politicians and special interest groups yell about only the rich will benefit. Funny how Danny Williams, a premier (Governor to you) went to the US to get treatment for his heart. Why? Your system is superior to ours, but even Williams won’t admit it, yet he used it.

But, But…Hunter!! There are private for profit clinics for you and your family to go to, in your home town of Edmonton, or near by  if you used your energies to  google-search or look in the yellow pages for it.  In fact, there in every major urban center nowadays.

However, she did prove a point, with all those private for profit facilities that have sprouted, many waiting lists in most jurisdictions haven’t improved any.

As for Mark Steyn and Silly Sally Pipes, I do hope you have renounced your Canadian citizenship just as Conrad Black did. If not, I hope you’re in the process of doing so. At the very least, I hope you don’t maintain a Canadian mailing address. If so… and this goes for Hunter, Blue like you Joanne and other pro-American Health care insurance practices as well.  Cut up your provincial health insurance cards. In fact, do it on Youtube for all to see.  Look for those private for profit health facilities in your jurisdiction and use them and stop bitching at the rest of us.

Gawd, the brainwashing! I can’t believe that even ordinary working class citizens are now thinking of the ‘poor underpaid doctors’, the ‘big bad nurses’ unions’, and the poor poor insurance companies state side who will have maybe one zero less to their bottom line.  Oh, the horror!

Audrey II; My sentiments exactly!

16 comments to It Must Really Suck to be Mark Steyn, Silly Sally, and Other Anti-Help Your Fellow Man Neo-cons

  • I completely didn’t realize that you had blogged on both of these two topics at the same time that I was doing so, and hope you don’t think that my commentary on them was an attempt to steal your thunder.

    The best thing that might come out of this is if Hunter, Limbaugh, Sullivan, Steyn, et al. actually do follow through on their rhetoric and “Go Galt”. They consider themselves to be part of the indispensable “producers” of the world, so let them run off to some little desert Ayn-Rand-heaven commune and see how much better off the world is without them and how well they do on their own. Let’s see if they walk the walk or whether it’s just all rhetoric.

    ck Reply:

    Nah, . We can both have somewhat different spins on the same thing. In fact I may have posted afterward, but who’s counting, right?

    These neo-cons; that entire cast of characters do need to stop with their whining and hypocrisy and actually practice what they preach.

    Vis-a-vis CAnadian neo-cons, like Sullivan, like Hunter…and too many others to count, I have launched the challenge before of them cutting their health insurance cards, and going to private for profit clinics in their regions….they never take me up on it. I wonder why? any thoughts?

    Same for that Rancid Dr Jabba the Roy, he whines about private for profit, but he never actually does like Chaoulli and others and completely back out of the medicare system. Of course, he also loves Alberta oil sands and has bitched about Big Bad Quebec under the same breath, in which I’ve suggested to him to move to Alberta.

  • Er, riiight. Five stars for witless logical fallacy ONLY sans a shred of counter evidence to an actual point of Mark Steyn’s, kid.

    Ungroomed, unread, unfunny but entirely laughable. Are you from Central Casting? “Send me a dishevelled leftard hag cum wino piano molester, stat!”

    Yes, it must really “suck” to be massively SUCCESSFUL, read, popular, wanted, in huge demand, WITTY, fun, quotable and empirically correct like Mark Steyn. I’m sure everyone wants to be you…No? Guess not.

    You are on surgical display at zombietime com thepeoplescube com iowahawk wordpress blog lookingattheleft com dissectleft blogspot com michellemalkin com breitbart com PJTV com atlasshrugs wordpress com ANY P.J O’Rourke and Reader of the Week at steynonline com.

    Toodle ooh. Colonel Robert Neville blogspot com.

    ck Reply:

    Now that you got that out of your system; feel better dear? Massively successful; after selling your soul in order to have no principles whatsoever. If he had, he’d be just another hack.

    I have priniciples. Sounds like you’re morally bankrupt. Wouldn’t wanna be ya!!

  • And another thang: yeah, let’s make being a Doctor or a neurosurgeon, obstetrician etc, as low paying and “hate the professional, rich and successful” as possible.

    THAT WAY we’re bound to have a great system that attracts the best… No? Gee, surely that magical and endless tax payer money will fix every problem. Utopia soon! More government! Government departments are always so right and efficient! Ever higher tax! Success, freedom and choice NEVER works anyway, right? They’re evil.

    Odd how the left says how America and it’s government is sooo “fascist” ad nauseum, and yet they want the US government to control everyone’s life and deth health decisions.

    Carry on with the cliche bigotry sodden unoriginal enemies list spouting, fluffy.

    Colonel Neville.

  • Er, “principles”. Really? Name five of your own that DON’T involve the government and more of it, higher taxes and more Marxist product sodden control freakery. Go on. I dares ya. Do it without advocating ANY mre theft via “wealth redistribution” AKA theft.

    Golly, that well known seller of his principles, Mark Steyn, believes in jeepers, respect for the Constitution, respect for life, limited government and low tax and peronal responsibility, rule of law, property rights, economic freedom, the right to bear arms and free speech etc. Evil conservative libertarian stuff like that. Simple really.

    So which of these do you despise exactly? Naturally your own fashionable and narcissistic moral vanity yearning for utopia, IS rather more complex and problematic, even laughable, especially your reasons for why it never arrives except as utter failure and disaster. If I have to look like you come the “peoples glorious revolution!”, er, no thanks. I accustomed to standards, ambition and Quality Control.

    Toodle ooh, chuckles. Colonel Neville.

    ck Reply:

    Ok Colonel Chuckles, since when is healing the sick, helping unemployed people get work, helping the unemployable get employable, helping the poor; all Judaio-Christian, Buddhist, atheist principles we were taught since youth become such a terrible thing.

    Are you still sore your kindergarten teacher made you share the finger paints with little Suzy or little Johnny sitting at the same table as you?

    Tell me Colonel, and any of you paranoid cons: Where exactly is greed supposed to lead society??

    ck Reply:

    It’s called equality for all. Priests and clerics from other denominations also spend as many years in schools as doctors, sometimes even more; they work just as hard and for far less.

    Medicine is supposed to be one of those compassionate professions; a higher calling.

  • agnostic

    I am sure you have principles. Why, you have just demonstrated one of them. It’s the one that’s pretty common among leftist enthusiasts:
    Whenever caught spouting indefensible nonsense, just pretend you haven’t said what you said, and skate around the issue by changing the subject.
    You characterized Mark Steyn as a loser living in paranoia.
    When confronted with examples of his success, you switched to claiming that this success (which you were originally denying) is due not to expressing his true beliefs (the paranoia which you were originally asserting) but to his making up stuff that he doesn’t actually believe in.
    The vexing thing to me about leftists of your ilk is that I can never be really sure: Are they genuinely so dull-witted as to be unable to grasp the most elementary logical contradictions in what they’re saying themselves, or do they just hope that their listeners or readers are.

    ck Reply:

    He ain’t alone. You all live in paranoia. You all check under the bed for that commie Muslim boogie man. I’m sure you check almost every minute.

    Ironic how you all talk a good game of freedom. Where’s the freedom in your greed and paranoia?

    I see I’m right, lots of morally bankrupt folks out there.
    Now run along.

  • ck

    I use (as well as others, I’m sure) also use the terms to describe. The new conservatism of today proves to be paranoia, greed, bigotry and moral bankruptcy.

    But, thank you for your oh so clever insight.

  • ck

    Oh, and I will wish evil on you cons. It seems the only way for you to learn empathy.

    I hope your insurance drops you all for pre-existing conditions. I hope you all lose your homes. I hope you lose your jobs and pensions.

    Then perhaps You’ll all learn that not just “bad”, “stupid” People have bad luck.

  • Mike Jonze

    “I hope your insurance drops you all for pre-existing conditions. I hope you all lose your homes. I hope you lose your jobs and pensions.”

    Ahh, but that’s the beauty of conservatives. We spend our lives working hard and saving because we understand the tragedy of the human condition. Rainy days ALWAYS come.

    The harder we work, the luckier we become :)

    ck Reply:

    Most folks live from pay checque to paycheque. Sometimes it’s choices between food for a week or medicine for a sick child. No one should ever be forced into such a terrible predicament.

    You too can have bad luck. Your savings can run out and then what? You don’t know how long your tragic event can last and like most, one event starts a chain of other costly events.

    Your pension plan could get lost in some bad investments. With all that deregulation in your banks still…looks like the other shoe is about to drop. By the by, you want to remain true con? Don’t collect disability if you get too sick to work and don’t plan on retiring unless you’re lucky enough to have some savings in tact.

    Oh and if most have your attitude, if you ever start that slide, your rightey friends won’t help you. Whatever will you do??

    When you will need to make a clame for a major procedure in hospital, can you say with certainty your insurance carrier won’t drop you for having a pre-existing condiditon? Have you read the fine print on your insurance policy lately?

    Didn’t think so.

  • Chris

    I guess you missed all those popular youtube clips showing obama stating unequivocally that he wants a single payer system, hey?

    for example:

    trying doing a little due diligence before climbing on to your high horse.

    ck Reply:

    Oh Chrissy! Chrissy! C’mon dear! That health care plan is just sooo watered down that it’s almost laughable. Hell, I heard the insurance companies did well in the markets the next day.

    Only paranoid thinking gets you from that watered down bill to single payer.

    Your video is moot. Obviously not going to happen.

    What Chrissy? Not confidant your buddies in the GOP will have landslides come November elections? Not confident they will repeal it like they said they will?

    No, unfortunately, Obama felt it more important to play with the GOP and to try to please the Fox News Crowd over implementing even the most minimal of public option.

    Face it: government health options all over the world have proven much cheaper per capita than the U.S.’s. Why is that so hard to believe? Your’s is the most expensive in the world. You have no qualms over that? How come you only rank 37th according to WHO??

    Oh Chrissy, I do suggest you read the small print on your health insurance plan.