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Oh My Gawd!! There are Just No Words for This!! Why Did We Allow Anne Coulter Here??

There really aren’t any words, except….oh! Draw Your own conclusions!  Once again, to add the collection of a groupie.

 Observe the picture below: Coulter looks like she’s thinking he soooo needs to be perfected: to be perfected just like she thinks the Jews need to be perfected. But…But….Dr Jabba the Roy IS perfected!! He’s Christian, ain’t he?

She’s thinking, ‘what the hell am I doing with this ‘brown person’? He looks like he’s in heaven now…awwwww! His very first man-crush!!

Photo at CC HQ–Thanks for that monstrosity, CC!

Like Dr Dawg,  I do wonder what a perfected Ezzy Levant would be like?


At her speech at University of Western Ontario, she rudely dismissed a Muslim girl’s questions regarding Coulter’s views that Muslims should not be allowed on airplanes and should use magic carpets instead.  Coulter simply told the young student to “take a camel”

Would she say that to Salim Mansur? Would she want to ‘perfect’ him too? She did also once upon a time say that the U.S. should go into Muslim countries, kill their leaders and convert them all to Christianity. See a pattern here, folks?

I’m sure she would have that one size fits all ‘perfection’ and Christianity conversions for Buddhists and Atheists as well…wonder how Ayn Rand would’ve taken that?

As for the final insult, Coulter is now planning to file a complaint with our Human Rights Commission, apparently, she is claiming persecution against conservatives on the part of the University of Ottaw Provost.  Uh, no Ann, if that were true, a large percentage of Canadians would be languishing in jails.  Can she do that? Doesn’t one have to be a Canadian citizen to do that?

No doubt Ezzy would jump to represent her. Would that ‘perfect’ him in her mind?

That is rich considering she once said that Canada is “lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent” after the Canadian government did not join the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Big City Lib doesn’t seem to think she will actually go to an HRC. That’s too bad, I was really looking forward to hearing the laughter erupt from any one of those offices. However, I’m inclined to believe BCL here, as she would only do it to keep her self in the competition to be Fox News’ wankette of the year against See Sawah Run and Orly Taitz.

Here’s more of her hateful rantings . Who’d a thunk it? Neo-cons to be considered a protected group. This idiotic consideration  seems to be already happening on both sides of the border these days anyway; courtesy of Fox News in the U.S. and just about every corporate media outfit in Canada.

And No, Tommy Schnurmacher, she ain’t coming to Montreal. No lunch date for you,  but even if she were, you would need to be ‘perfected’ to her standards. However,  if you’re looking for your favourite hat,  it seems to be perched on Ezzy Levant’s head (pic 2).

Sidenote: Somebody should remind her that Jesus Christ was Jewish and since we were here before the U.S., maybe it’s them who should consider themselves lucky to share the continent.

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