I have heard many progressives outside of Quebec expressing preference to the Bloc Quebecois of all parties. I have heard a few who would seek refuge in a sovereign Quebec, should Steve get his majority, which is looking more and more likely these days.
In order for this to happen, obviously Quebec would need to separate…
Could be a viable option as most of us are too old to be employable overseas and thus, leaving the hemisphere wouldn’t be an option.
I’m wondering; just wondering if those same progressives I mentioned above would help lobby toward that purpose? A sovereign Quebec, which no matter the uncertainties, can’t be nearly as frightening as a Harpercon majority… I daresay even under that buffoon Marois, a sovereign Quebec would be far more compassionate society than the Harpercon regime in rest of Canada.
Stranger things have happened in life…
This is a Devil’s Advocate question, right? You’re not being serious here, I hope.