Dear Blogging SupposiTory Hunter…Toronto Don’t Like You Neither, Hun
Blogging Tory Hunter just can’t comprehend why Torontonians are pissed off because of their newly created police state (if it isn’t a police state in the literal sense, it comes damned close!) while they welcome other activities:
Why not? They didn’t seem to have a problem when the unions stunk the city up with garbage. The Tamil Tiger protests shut down huge parts of Toronto, and that was okay, but world leaders coming to Toronto is a problem?
The folks of Toronto didn’t bitch about the garbage strike? Well, of course not! It meant they wouldn’t have to take a shower, thus, their B.O. would blend in! Oh dear, she’ll (or her other Blogging SupposiTory Friends) probably think I’m serious.
Yeah Go figure! These darndest Torontonians not happy to welcome world leaders. How dare they get uppity for wanting access to a hospital if they’re sick and if they are in a hospital, they don’t wanna be turfed to parts unknown. How dare they demand compensation for business lost in a city under siege! How inconsiderate of them to want to move freely and/or talk to whomever they like! How selfish of them to not want to miss a few days’ pay for not being able to go to work.
Oh, yes, and Hunter how exactly do Canadians benefit from citizens of Toronto being trapped? How do Canadians benefit if sick folks like my dad gets turfed out of their hospital bed to parts unknown so Steve can have his overblown photo op? Or if they (my dad) are chronically ill where the potential necessity of a visit to a Hospital ER at any given time is a part of life suddenly couldn’t get access to one because of your Dreamy Stevie. No jokes! She really does feel her legs tingle at the thought of our St-Stevie.
Oh and about Toronto being culture-less, well, given you’re from Edmonton… where the idea of culture is springing the extra 0.25$ for french vanilla high fructose corn syrup in your Timmy Horton’s iced-cap! (No offense to Progressive bloggers from Alberta meant; you have my deepest sympathies).
As I said, hun, TO don’t particularly care for you neither! Not even those world leaders you gush over. Which one do you gush over by the by?
“Hun” may be a misspelling (for “hon”), but it’s appropriate. These SupposiTories all have attitudes to the right of Attila nowadays.
BTW, Torontonians kvetched a blue storm about the unions, and a lot of them thought the jobs should be out-contracted to “teach them a lesson” (i.e. never to go on strike). Which was majorly stupid–the only “lesson” it would “teach” is that profiteers would soak the city for their “services” AND pay poorly at the same time. City ratepayers–anti-union kvetchers included–would end up paying more so that garbage collectors would make less of a living. Stoooooopid.
They also kvetched a shitstorm about the Sri Lankans. Some of what I’ve seen and heard was tinged with ill-disguised racism. I don’t know where “Hunter” hangs out, but obviously s/he doesn’t get out nearly enough. (Advice to Hunter: First, extricate head from ass. You’re welcome.)
PS: Check out her lame comments section header:
“This is a family viewed site, NO SWEARING will be tolerated. Lefty trolls took advantage of my generosity, and are now banned…hey they can’t complain because they want to ban everything, so I am only helping them out!”
Awww. Sniff. I’m so hurt to be stifled by a Stupid SupposiTory Slut for Stevie!
PS: Is it appropriate “family viewing” to say Stevie makes your legs tingle? That’s either a sign of sexual arousal, or of a stroke. Either way, alarming.
Someone from Edmonton saying Toronto is culture-less…. Now that is funny.
I’m banned for the most part from Hunter’s comments section
It must kill her that Edmonton has a gay pride parade, and that the local chapter of QuAIA marched in it without incident. I guess that’s too much kulcher for her.
SupposiTory. Heh. First time I’ve heard that one.
Clever innit. I think Bina first came out with that
Bina, I think she lives in a bubble and probably hasn’t a clue about Edmonton’s gay pride parade or anything else
Hunter is as vacuous as her city. I’ve never met an Edmontonian who didn’t have a hate on for Toronto. It is jealousy pure and simple. And all that sin. While Edmonton bans just about everything, Toronto has people sinning night and day. Drives those batshit cons out west crazee.