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So Much Fantasy of The Right–Going Backwards, Austerity–More Than Ideological–

We had been reading from economists like Krugman, Stiglitz and many others who had been warning against the austerity fad.  They remind us of the precedent from the Hoover presidency. We have seen the damage austerity has caused Ireland; damage many believe they will probably never recover from. Despite that,  countries implement austerity plans in a pathetic way to keep up with the Jones’s.

Well, I think we all know the Jones’s are just fucked up.

The insanity; working class who squawk loudly about not wanting health care for themselves or their families; reminds me of a cartoon I saw where the mother is explaining to her sick child that ‘it is better to be sick than socialist’.  Yet, those same working class stiffs who insist that the wealthiest billionaires  not pay taxes.

Jane and Joe Six Pack are brainwashed with the same lies over and over again; that simply with hard work and personal responsibility, the American dream (which is wealth, naturally) is achievable, despite  having been proven over and over to the contrary.

While economists who have proven time and again that austerity just doesn’t work, we pretty much know that it’s an excuse for right winged governments to downsize  the social safety nets.  In the video below, James R Crotty, Professor of Economics at Amherst University explains that the ideological cuts to the social safety nets barely scratch the surface. There is something much darker and far more sinister at work here. Yes, kids, fascism has indeed arrived in the U.S. and it is soon to arrive in Canada if it hasn’t arrived already under Master Stevie. Funny how mainstream media would never play such an interview like that of Real News’ Paul Jay with the good professor. Watch the video and listen carefully. It paints a very dark picture.  To must of us who follow economists like Paul Krugman, what Crotty says below is no surprise and the next steps would be predictable, but would it wake up the brainwashed masses? Or would it get the angry tea-baggin Jane & Joe Six-Pack’s who are following a tax revolt to stop and pause? Not likely, given Professor Crotty would and probably is dismissed as an “elite” soshalist. Pity, because their future depends on it.

Yep, all about controlling the working class by making them more desperate.  We had already heard from Rethuglicans and tea-baggers as well as their corporate friends in the various election campaigns that they would like to abolish minimum wage. No doubt something Stevie spiteful would like to see happen in Canada as well too.  Gee, could lobbying for slavery come next? Wouldn’t put it past ‘em.

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