Poor Dubya. He’s a prisoner in his own country.
Not that he minds. His entire life, save is preznacy, has been spent within the US borders – mostly in Texas. He disdains anything foreign and is incurious about the world. But those speaking fees…
UPDATE: The New York Times has a slightly different take. It says it is the threat of http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/06/world/europe/06bush.htmlthat essentially stopped Bush from speaking.
H/T: The Brad Blog
Very interesting. Swiss officials seem intent on reviving “sovereign immunity” for Shrub. That went out the window (chucked out by an American tribunal) at Nuremberg. The abolition of that immunity is why Berlusconi will soon be sitting in the prisoners’ dock in Italy. It’s the basis on which Saddam was hanged. Then again, the Swiss have a habit of doing quirky things when that suits them.
“You mean Bush actually tortured people?” The fat man was bewildered and hurt. I felt sorry for him. “I liked Bush. He was a real American. I thought.” My interview with an ex-Bush fiend: