That would be the evolution denier over there; one of many, I’m sure.
Anyhow, today, he insists that ‘honour’ killings most certainly exist. Why? Because someone from Bombay he was having a beer allegedly told him so; that’s why. Really? Just because he says he’d ‘kill his daughter to ‘restore his family’s honour’ doesn’t make it an honour killing. That’s simply an obsessive, controlling father with a propensity for violence. This happens in a lot of families. Can’t believe that needs to be said again. However, that just doesn’t seem to work for ol’ RK; this particular hypothetical crime must have a fancy label to it and it must be an ‘honour’ crime. Well, ok, if you want labels, RK…why couldn’t it be a crime of murderous rage? In every other family where homocides occur, that is exactly how these acts are described for the most part. How about pre-meditated murder, given he’s already talking about it?
Ol’ RK goes on to bring the dumbest hypothetical argument of all.
Presumably the next time a pederast or homosexual or Christian is killed in Canada for being a pederast or homosexual or Christian we will hear this quote from the Liberal leader: “Let’s not play word games with this stuff . . . There’s no such thing as a hate crime, there’s only killing and it’s a crime everywhere”.
Uh, no, RK, not likely that Iggy or anyone else would say there’s no such thing as a hate crime. There are actually hate crime statutes in the Canadian criminal code; sections 318 and 319.
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