Just Sayin’

Yeesh!! I am aware that this post is not going to make me any friends, for it will piss off a few progressive bloggers.  But, as a disillusioned Quebecker observing some of these blog posts, I need to make a few obervations.  If this is going to brand me as some partisan hack in some form or another, so be it.

I will be posting my opinions and speculations about Quebec sovereignty and who may be to blame at a later time with some historical facts to back it up either later this evening or some time tomorrow. I’m trying to find some polls that were taken shortly after the 1995 referendum which are proving difficult to find as the internet was not readily available to all at that time, as well as some other research.  I thought a blog post on the fave subject du jour from the blogosphere, punditry and media from an increasingly disillusioned Quebecker would be in order.  However, right now, this post will be observations I’ve made on the blogs I’ve read from the blogosphere. Really, not impressed!

Moving right along!

1) Every time I read an NDP blog slamming “the Liberals”, I click a link, thinking somebody from the Liberal Party or one of their official spokespeople actually said something. It would always turn out to be another Liberal blogger. I wasn’t aware that bloggers like Calgary Grit, Jeff Jedras, Impolitical or Curiosity Cat were official spokespeople for Bob Rae or any Liberal MP.  They’re bloggers, expressing opinions, just like you; just like me.  They don’t speak on behalf of the Liberal party any more than you speak on behalf of the NDP.  Just sayin’.

2) It’s not Jeff Jedras’ fault that the likes of the wicked witch of Saskatchewan, KKKate, decided to link to Jeff’s column in the Nasty Post.  Doesn’t make them bosom buddies. You can disagree with him all you want. Hell, I don’t always agree with him, but I’m not going to lump him with Stevie Spiteful or the Blogging SupposiTories. It doesn’t bolster the argument to link to  KKKate and her Small brain dead followers rather than linking directly to Jeff Jedras’ column directly. Just sayin’.

3) Note to self: don’t comment on a blog before swallowing that first cup of coffee before work, first thing in the morning.  Didn’t notice the last part of that post at the time

I’m all for using historical facts and events to bolster an argument, but it should be relevent. Did you really have to bring up Tommy Douglas’ old thesis in eugenics?  Douglas wrote that thesis when that kind of ignorant thinking was in vogue.  He renounced his thesis in its’ entirety long before he joined politics. Yes, I saw your comment thread and that you only meant it in jest, but many might not have seen it that way and could and would have caused unnecessary trouble in an already heated debate.

Also, Tommy Douglas, being a Westerner, himself,  I’m not sure if he would’ve approved of Jack Layton’s Sherbrooke Declaration, slamming of the Clarity Act or of his pandering to Quebec nationalists.  I’m not even sure if he would’ve seen Quebec as ‘distinct’. In fact, I think his political ideals would’ve been more PanCanadian. Just sayin’.

4) Exactly How is the Liberal Party tearing the country apart or endangering national unity?  First you say that they’re dead, reduced to nothing, and other such things.  For a party that is supposedly dead, you sure are giving them an awful lot of power. Or should I say, the Liberal bloggers have more power than the party they support?   Just askin’.

5) Last, but certainly not least,  Simon, I have always liked your blog, but I find myself at odds with you lately, like today.  The passage below, I find particularly interesting.

But if they don’t see the errors of their ways, and keep on attacking the NDP instead of the Cons, I will have no choice.

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