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Brigette Marcelle: Canadian heroine. UPDATE: Name is actually “Brigette DePape”.

Canada needs more Brigette DePapes and less Stephen Harpers. We need more fighters and fewer donut eatin’ authoritarian pricks. (DePape is referred to as “Marcelles” in the article.)

“Harper’s agenda is disastrous for this country and for my generation,” Brigette Marcelle says. “We have to stop him from wasting billions on fighter jets, military bases, and corporate tax cuts while cutting social programs and destroying the climate. Most people in this country know what we need are green jobs, better medicare, and a healthy environment for future generations.”

Brigette Marcelle, 21 and a recent graduate from University of Ottawa, has been a Page in the Senate for a year, but realized that working within parliament wouldn’t stop Harper’s agenda.

“Contrary to Harper’s rhetoric, Conservative values are not in fact Canadian values. How could they be when 3 out of 4 eligible voters didn’t even give their support to the Conservatives? But we will only be able to stop Harper’s agenda if people of all ages and from all walks of life engage in creative actions and civil disobediance,” she says.

I love this woman!

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain

UPDATE: Here’s a Facebook page for/by Brigette Marcelle. Another for Brigette DePape.

UPDATE II: Here’s an interview Beigette did with Evan Solomon (who demonstrates what a stuffy, partisan prig he is):

31 comments to Brigette Marcelle: Canadian heroine. UPDATE: Name is actually “Brigette DePape”.

  • Vanderrand

    Brigette Marcelle for Primeminister!

    ck Reply:

    I’ll vote for her!

  • Windsurfer

    So, how many marriage proposals do you think she’ll get?

    What a gutsy woman !

    Order of Canada material.

    ck Reply:

    I’ll second that! She definitely deserves our support. A ray of sunshine in what promises to be some bleak years ahead.

    First time I have smiled since the election!

    Beijing York Reply:

    Hear, hear steve. And a massive BRAVA to Brigette!

  • Ffib

    I want to meet this woman. She is awesome.

    ck Reply:

    I think many of us do! I really hope this young woman doesn’t become a wall flower as the Harpercon media cheerleaders won’t be kind to her!

    Jymn Reply:

    DePape is not a flower. She will prevail. She is the only prog so far smarter than the Con machine.

  • Colleen McCarthy

    Marriage proposal?! THPPPT!! I’d join her future campaign team as a volunteer!

  • Eve

    Brigette, please answer me. I want to know what things will the Harper government do that will be bad for Canada?


    ck Reply:

    Evie, I’d be happy to field that one, if I may. No more social safety nets but with much higher income taxes. Someone has to pay for those corporate tax cuts which will continue to go down, down, down, and no, they don’t create jobs–unless you count job creation in India or China. Someone has to pay that deficit caused by lowering the GST, pork barreling, G8 fake lakes and G20 security overkill, mass arrests –biggest infringement on our civil rights in a long time–making dissent illegal. someone has to pay for the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Libya, who’s pricetags keep going up! up! up! Somebody has to pay for his highness’s recent staffer’s salary raises. Somebody has to pay for those megaprisons to lock up people for menial things like posession of one pot plant or or something silly like that. I can go on…

    How about locking 14 year olds up with adults in adult jail?

    How about further marginalizing Quebec and to some degree, Atlantic Canada?

    I could go on…

  • I am always amazed when I read your blog title to find that you call yourself center-left. From where you’re standing, I don’t think you could see the center with a telescope. Michael “I won’t hire unionized labour” Moore, Daily Crackpot Kos, Talking Points Memo, Media Matters, etc all of which are extremely fringe left, with the last two being mouthpieces for George Soro, a man who actually worked for the Nazis during WWII (and he isn’t a Nazi in your mind?). But I digress.

    Brigette DePage is a drone, and not even a smart one. Her crusade for climate change is about a decade too late. After scandal after scandal (Climategate, Himelayagate, Chinagate, Russiagate, etc), the man-made climate change crowd has be utterly discredited. Even David Suzuki and Al Gore couldn’t keep this going with the former completely disgraced within the environmentalist community and the latter backtracking on his various pronouncements, including his support for ethanol. As for the Earth getting warmer, she isn’t even close on that one. It’s actually getting colder, which, as many meteorologists have been saying since the tornadoes touched down in Joplin, Missouri, is to blame for much of the weird weather we have been seeing lately.

    As for military spending, the CF-18s are long past the point for replacement, as demonstrated by last year’s airshow crash, and while you can debate what fighter jet we should purchase (either the F-35 or the European fighter jet), to continue our peacekeeping missions, the Canadian Armed Forces need equipment. Thanks to Barack Obama, NATO (which includes Canada) find itself in another war with no end and with Syria looking to be the next battlefield, Canadians, to uphold our commitment to peacekeeping, must realize that this money needs to be spent. Since you’re clearly a fringe left NDP supporter, you probably think all we need are drones, but the truth is drones can’t secure airspace to maintain no fly zones because they carry a VERY limited payload and are fairly vulnerable.

    As for cutting social programs, its about time. We have multi-generation welfare families (though I remember that you believe everyone has a right to a house, food, etc no matter the cost) and with the United States of America looking more like Greece with its ever expanding social safety net (see yesterday’s unemployment/jobs report? disastrous), it is good to see that Canada is far more stable. Now you and I can disagree on what social programs should be made available for the average Canadian (which is reasonable since you live in fantasy land while I find myself with two feet planted firmly in reality), but surely you must understand that in order to even pay for these programs, the private sector must be allowed to expand (Google Laffer curve if you’re still having trouble with this concept). Corporate tax cuts do this as they entice weary investors and provide more room for small companies to start up.

    I doubt you would even allow this comment up, knowing the fringe left’s hatred towards contrary thought and your hatred for being corrected, but it doesn’t really matter. Where you and Brigette DePage REALLY get it wrong is in thinking that you speak for anywhere near a majority of Canadians. The NDP’s hallow victory came in Quebec, where they promised to outdo the Bloc and give separatists what they have been wanting for decades. Matter of fact, looking at pre-election Friday’s polls, it was the fear of a strong NDP that turned a Harper minority (which everyone assumed would be the case) into a strong Harper majority. Add in the fact that climate change is far less relevant now than it was even a few years ago (Green Party support was nearly halved this election), and soaking the rich is now supported by fewer people on both sides of the border (another thing you can blame on Barack Obama as his anti-business strategies have killed job growth), you and DePage find yourself positioned firmly on the fringe.

    The worst part is that you aren’t even honest and respectful enough to accept that your party lost the last election. Pathetic…

    Jymn Reply:

    Hi Northern, thanks for your thoughts, scrambled as they are. First of all,the writer of this post is not Sister Sage so your rant about ‘centre-left’ is an error. Number two, my party didn’t lose the election – you don’t even know my party, dumbfuck. Jesus, do a little work and research before you drop some Craigslist Con stupid comment. I hope they pay you well.

    Northern Thoughts Reply:

    Scrambled? How so? I broke everything down into categories by paragraph. One paragraph for her rambling on the environment, one for her rambling on military spending, etc Not easy enough to follow? Should I break it down even more? Discuss every muddled point in its own paragraph? As for research, I have done mine. I actually have a degree in economics, and nearly finished a second in history. What about your research? Did you bother Googling Laffer curve? Obviously not or you would not have replied the way you did.

    Canada, unlike the United States, is looking at solid GDP growth right now. Unemployment is also substantially lower (7.6 versus 9.1+, 17-20% is you count the hundreds of people who stopped looking for employment out of frustration) and that is due to the fact that our government, unlike the American government, has adopted the radical socialist policies preached by Brigette DePage. One of the reasons the Globe and Mail, a dyed in the wool Liberal newspaper, gave the nod to the Conservatives is because they feared the NDP getting any real power and pushing for that kind of legislation. That is how dangerous that nonsense is. That isn’t a conservative point of view, its a fact that is supported by incredibly poor performance south of the border.

    This next paragraph discussing why this is the case (because you obviously can’t follow along). The Laffer curve helps demonstrate why this is. I don’t believe in no taxes, I believe, as all economists do, is that there is an optimum tax rate, a rate that you can maintain steady job growth as well as bring in a sizable amount of tax revenue. The problem is that you and your kind don’t understand elasticity ( ), and that beyond a certain point, you lose not only jobs, but tax revenue. Now, returning to the point I made in the previous paragraph, Canada has a far more appropriate tax rate, especially during this global recession. This is one of the very things DePage and the NDP wish to change. At higher tax rates, companies will not only NOT expand the workforce by hiring more employees (they lack the revenue to do this because they’re paying higher taxes), but may in fact move to another country to set up shop. This is what’s happening down south. Matter of fact, the vast majority of those 50,000 jobs created last month weren’t from a variety of small companies or even large ones, but one single company, McDonalds. When money is tight, we actually see a rise in sales at Walmart and McDs because people can’t afford anything else. Still following?

    Social programs are another issue. Returning to tax revenue (discussed in the previous paragraph), there is only so much money to go around. Unless it is a time of serious economic expansion, raising taxes can and does have a serious economic effect on GDP growth. To fund all the programs DePage wants, you would have to raise taxes, and as explained in the previous paragraph, this is out of the question. You can lower the tax rates because, while they might bring in more business and help grow the economy, we might lose revenue to fund the social programs we have now, and that will (whether or not there is a significant or any drop in tax revenue) upset radicals like her who believe in wealth redistribution. This is why social programs are being cut to preserve other more important programs. For example, arts funding is far less important than social security and government pensions. Even you, with your VERY limited income (I doubt being a crackpot pays well), know that you must forgo some purchases for others. Simply put, the government has a fixed amount of income, from taxes. It can’t spend unrestrained or you may find yourself in America’s, or even Greece’s shoes.

    I could go on, but I think I made my point, and NO!, no one pays me. I just have this urge to correct stupidity wherever I see it and I see a lot of it on this website.

    P.S. I have a job, I am actually employed by the government this summer. Can’t really go into detail, but I will say that the group I work for is necessary for the smooth operation of the Canadian government, as well as the provinces, dating back to 1871.

    ck Reply:

    you blithering idiot! scrap social programs & pay higher taxes!! Great!! More unemployement. Let’s return to the bread lines of the Great Depression!! No wait…you & your ilk would even take away the breadlines. Let everybody starve and only keep the billionaires alive and well healed! Wealthcare for billionaires!

    Jon Reply:

    Canada, unlike the United States, is looking at solid GDP growth right now.

    Progressive Economics – GDP Report: Awfully Weak Tea Leaves

    Real annualized GDP growth? 3.9%
    Remove GDP due to inventory accumulation and you get: 0.76%

    That’s bad.

    Before and during the election, the story was strong conservative government, strong economy. Now? Minister Flaherty is worried.

  • P.S. Women is a fringe left group? Really? I thought it was “Womyn” spelled with a y (you rabid feminists can’t even stick to that eh?). In any event, if you actually support women’s right, why is it that you and your ilk are always standing with Islamists who not only refuse to recognize equality of the sex, but who’s faith pretty much denies you heaven? I mean, WOW!, you would think that you would be standing beside Israel and its supporters if you actually cared about your gender (which you don’t) as it is the only place in the Middle East where women aren’t treated like slaves.

    I guess your group is on the fringes because of your anti-women stance right? I mean, as long as you get to murder your unborn babies (I will respect a women’s right to choose, but I draw the line at late-term abortions), it doesn’t matter that Mohammed beats you like an African drum eh? Pathetic…

    Jymn Reply:

    I don’t care for Muslims, Jews or Christians. I care about women. Since you love to generalize, may I suggest there are decent Muslims, Jews and Christians. There are some decent conservatives, I hear too. And yes, women deserve make their own choices. Perhaps looking at people as humans instead of as weapons would make your points more palatable. PS: I’ve never used the term, “Womyn”. *sigh*

    Northern Thoughts Reply:

    You act as if Muslims, Jews and Christians are all the same. They aren’t. While they’re are decent Muslims, that doesn’t mean as a whole they are decent. Islam, by nature, is extremely oppressive. Ever since Hosni Mubarak left power, Christians are being murderer and churches burned. Explain that to me if all are the same. We see this in Shari’a law, which makes it clear that women and non-Muslims are second-class citizens. It is in the Judeo-Christian world that you see tolerance and equality of not only the genders, but of all people. You obviously can’t accept that.

    As for conservatives being decent people, we are. We are, in fact, better people than you and your ilk.
    You see, when it comes down to it. We are the ones who really care. That’s why we aren’t pushing for the violent overthrow of society, which Brigette DePage is with her nonsense talk about wanting an “Arab Spring” here. History has taught us that those kinds of movements have a tendency to lead to further bloodshed, as demonstrated by the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and now in Egypt with the “Arab Spring.”

    Seriously, grow up.

    ck Reply:

    Oh, clancop, the General Pinochet is my hero troll is back. Didn’t I ban you?

    Jymn Reply:

    Sorry for indulging the troll. But I do love how we get lectured on how nice conservatives are then insulted in the next breath to grow up, seriously. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with these people. I say it’s time to ban this troll.

    ck Reply:

    He was banned. He’s another Twatsy Ross of the magical musical IP addies. He’s banned now– again!

    ck Reply:

    Yes, lifelong dictatorships are just so much better, ain’t they? That’s why you worship Steve Harper, innit? Because democracy is just so pesky.

  • Brigette has given us hope. And she has given us an example of hope in action.

  • ck

    Clancop, go crawl back into the hole from which you came. I know you wish to inflict your misery on others as today’s neo-cons tend to do, but go pump your sunshine elsewhere. Oh, and I didn’t write that post. I have five other co-bloggers, if you knew how to read, you’d know that.

    What made you come back to poop on my site? Did it take that long since the G20 in Toronto last summer for the laxitive to kick in?

  • Mag Maung

    She is great. Only one person gets the whole country’s attention.
    She inspire me.I will vote for her.

    ck Reply:

    I don’t think Ms DePape has plans to run for office any time soon. Looks like she will probably go more the route of activism.

  • ck

    Uh, you really should quit while you’re behind, Eddie.

    I banned him because a long time ago, the man admitted that he actually like the policies of General Augusto Pinochet, a murderous dictator.

    There’s nothing to debate with someone who calls himself clancop (that’s Northern Thoughts’s original name, btw; Clancop, don’t that say all?).

    He also thinks it’s perfectly peachy keen to savagely rip the artificial limbs off innocent people and then dragged on pavement simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Pure evil.

    Jymn Reply:

    Conservatives love ‘em some Pinochet. Thatcher stood by her man, Mr. P. Like with Mubarak and the other mideast despots, Conservatives just love the authoritarian, butch types.

    ck Reply:

    Well, clancop certainly was one who actually dared to come here and lecture me about how great the general dictator of Chile was about a year ago, among some other scary things. As I’ve mentioned, he’s not even on Blogging SupposiTories, which should really tell you something–too sociopathic for even Stephen Taylor.