Stevie Spiteful’s Asbestos Hypocrisy, Johnny-Boy Charest, Would Be Modern Day Shylock, Their Enablers And

Stevie Spiteful, as you all know by now, boys ‘n’ girls, still refuses to add asbestos to the list of hazardous materials at the Rotterdam Convention.  To be specific, as Pogge pointed out earlier, according to the article from Mia Rabson,

Substances on the list are not banned but countries exporting them must provide written warnings to the importing nation about their hazards and include information on how to safely handle them. … To date Canada has blocked repeated recommendations by the convention’s Chemical Review Committee to add chrysotile asbestos to the list.

Ya get that? Stevie Spiteful can’t even be bothered to support putting warning labels with instructions on handling Chrysotile asbestos with caution when exporting this shit.  Not that I buy that there is any safe way to handle Chrysotile asbestos in any shape or form, but Stevie Spiteful, along with Johnny-Boy Charest, and yes, even some labour unions (though there are unions who have recanted since, though, not unions who represent asbestos miners) and workers from the  town of Asbestos who support this idiotic claim, do.  So Stevie, if you believe your idiotic lobbyists who swear up and down that there is a ‘safe’ way to handle asbestos, why not vote to add asbestos to the list?

Furthermore,  I really don’t know how Stevie said the following with a straight face when he campaigned in la belle province last April.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper commented during an April campaign visit to Quebec that the Canadian government will not place domestic industry in a position to be discriminated against in countries where asbestos use is still permitted.

Discrimination against a known carcinogen, hmm.  Didn’t he discriminate against that very product when he went to the trouble and expense of having it removed from his home and from parliament recently?

For those who don’t know, there is a United Nations vote on Monday, June 20 to include chrysotile asbestos on the list of the Rotterdam Convention.  I had received an email from a reader, telling me about a  group of comedians who call themselves, which has called upon Stevie spiteful to support this vote or have the asbestos put right re-installed back into his home.

“Mr. Harper’s stance on asbestos is morally bankrupt. Hypocrisy this blatant would be hilarious if it weren’t also deadly,” says Sean Devlin, one of the comedians responsible for the campaign.

Yes, indeed.  They have some home renovators.  Allow me to introduce to you home renovating specialist, Mr. Chris O’Tile and his trusty sidekick, Jacques. Don’t worry about Jacques, he’s just naturally crotchety.  They can do everything from keeping your hot tub hot- to keeping windows green.  Relax, enjoy their handy work, below.

YouTube video

YouTube video

In that video you just saw above, the comedian, Lauren Cochrane, who played decorator, Chrystal Tile has a personal connection to the asbestos issue. Her grandfather, who was a plumber, died of asbestosis, another respiratory illness caused by exposure to asbestos.

YouTube video

And yes, below is a ‘safe’ way to ‘protect’ yourself when exposed to asbestos.

YouTube video

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