"Hey, this is some good reefer. I just saw the future. It's just like the 30's in Canada only worse!"
Harper tells them to buzz off. He is determined to send Canada back a century, if not the middle ages.
But the Harper government remains unswayed.
In a statement Tuesday, a spokeswoman for Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said the government has "no intention to decriminalize or legalize marijuana" and "remains committed to ensuring criminals are held fully accountable for their actions."
When your entire political and cultural ideology is your only roadmap for governance, little things like reality, the wishes of the country and the advice of law enforcement experts who have made the same mistakes you are about to embark on, nothing is going to get in the way of Harper's crusade against pot and pleasure.
Pot smokers are not "criminals". But are they are about to become such in Canada. And it's not just pot. Our whole love of freedom in every avenue of our lives is about to end. Build those prisons, Harper. You're going to need them. It will be like rounding up witches in Salem. Only we're all witches now.
I don’t think we were called witches…I thought we were called pedophiles. Herr Harper seems to have, more than a few of his fanatic henchmen ranting and raving. I always wonder, what kind of homes they were brought up in?
I put Harper’s early political days, beside Hitler’s early political days. They are far too close for comfort. Both are all about control. First most important thing is, control the media, then the police, courts, judges, and everything they can get their hands on. They don’t feel safe unless they do control all.
Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini, were all paranoid dictators. Anyone they thought were against them, just vanished.
To-day, Harper wants the internet muzzled to stop, Canadians Freedom of Speech. Other country’s media have written about, Harper destroying Democracy in Canada. Our Civil Rights and Liberties, have been taken from us.