Archived posts

Just in time for accusations in his past of sexual harrassment, Herman Cain complains of Clarence Thomas treatment


"Life is like a 12-inch pizza. You never know what you're gonna get."

The victimization of the right continues. Not missing a beat, GOP presidential contender Herman Cain whined to a right-wing scribe over the weekend that he will be targeted by Democrats in the same manner he alleges Clarence Thomas encountered.

. . . → Read More: Just in time for accusations in his past of sexual harrassment, Herman Cain complains of Clarence Thomas treatment

When the Insane Slam The Insane: Santorum: “Aborted Babies” Wouldn’t Support Herman Cain, Who Would Do All to Make Abortion Illegal, But he’s just A-OK With Illegal abortions!


Oh those Crazy Rethuglicans! Gotta hand it to them, they’re nothing else, if not rip roaringly entertaining at times!  It seems, they’re particularly nuttier when they fight each other in a primary. My co-blogger, Jymn, so explains Santorum’s rip roarious rantings.  I should start paying attention, really!  Yes, according to Rethuglican leadership candidate, . . . → Read More: When the Insane Slam The Insane: Santorum: “Aborted Babies” Wouldn’t Support Herman Cain, Who Would Do All to Make Abortion Illegal, But he’s just A-OK With Illegal abortions!

Newsflash. Aborted babies talk to Rick Santorum.


Santorum: I have it on good authority aborted babies think you're wrong. Cain: You're shitting me.

As you know the entire junior A wrestling team sweating and grunting for the GOP presidential nomination is great entertainment if a little on the dumb side. The wacko factor is so out there that if . . . → Read More: Newsflash. Aborted babies talk to Rick Santorum.