Archived posts

War on drugs. NDP vs. Liberals.


I’ve been increasingly hard on the Liberals since the first days post-Chretien. So much so, I’ve gravitated towards the NDP. A prime indicator for me of my feelings towards the parties has been that which distinguishes their attitudes towards the war on drugs, particularly in regards to victimless pot.

For me, this . . . → Read More: War on drugs. NDP vs. Liberals.

American law enforcement officials: “U.S. is becoming ‘more progressive’ than Canada”


"Hey, this is some good reefer. I just saw the future. It's just like the 30's in Canada only worse!"

Harper tells them to buzz off. He is determined to send Canada back a century, if not the middle ages.

But the Harper government remains unswayed.

In a statement Tuesday, a spokeswoman for . . . → Read More: American law enforcement officials: “U.S. is becoming ‘more progressive’ than Canada”