Archived posts

Redneck Ryan Doyle Seems To Advocate Police Brutality and Facism–Rant Alert — I Know I Said I Would Try to Avoid ProFanity, But!!


Dear Red Neck Ryan. You are an irresponsible hack. You have no business chastising the Toronto Star nor the CBC for not touting the Master Steve party line.

There is something about Redneck Ryan with his sadistic manic tone whenever society’s most vulnerable get screwed further. It’s like it makes his whole day. . . . → Read More: Redneck Ryan Doyle Seems To Advocate Police Brutality and Facism–Rant Alert — I Know I Said I Would Try to Avoid ProFanity, But!!

Oh Ryan, Either Enlist, Or Shut-UP! There are Enough Chickenhawks in Today’s Media


Ryan ends up having this little chickenhawk tizzy with the mother of a dead soldier who sounded like a bloody ice-queen on his show last night. She gave the usual spin about how she doesn’t want her son to have died in vain or how we must finish the job; you know, the . . . → Read More: Oh Ryan, Either Enlist, Or Shut-UP! There are Enough Chickenhawks in Today’s Media