Archived posts

Oh NO! Zsa-Zsa, Magda and Eva’s Missing Link is Baaaack!! Saturday Nite Funnies


This time, it’s personal.  The  bubble-headed blonde Soviet born dentist who considers herself the expert of all things American constitution has no plaintiffs this time. She is suing President Obama all by her lonesome.

Read the sorry petition below.  Some parts of it are worth a few laughs actually.  #3 is funny; that’s . . . → Read More: Oh NO! Zsa-Zsa, Magda and Eva’s Missing Link is Baaaack!! Saturday Nite Funnies

Tea-Baggers Protest Their Own Convention


This is cute for some Saturday nite humor.

I couldn’t believe one of the headlines splashed under a big picture of See Sawah run on Huffington Post. It would seem there is now a battle between the haves and the have nots.   There is a group of  4 tea-baggers protesting outside of; you . . . → Read More: Tea-Baggers Protest Their Own Convention