Archived posts

Requiem for an immortal


Hi, everyone, I’m Bina. My usual blog is News of the Restless. CK asked me to contribute a piece to memorialize the passing of Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, the beloved president of Venezuela whom I have affectionately nicknamed Chavecito, after the action figure by that name. He was so much larger than life . . . → Read More: Requiem for an immortal

“Think with the Liberals, eat with the Tories”. The conservative war on education.

Th . . . → Read More: “Think with the Liberals, eat with the Tories”. The conservative war on education.

Richard Holbrooke’s last words: “You’ve to stop this war in Afghanistan”


Speaking to his Pakistani surgeon and family members, Richard Holbrooke reportedly spoke those words - his final ones – before passing. So sad not one person who should heed those words will pay attention, not even Barack Obama. When you devote your life to public service, addressing worldwide tragedies, those words are a sad . . . → Read More: Richard Holbrooke’s last words: “You’ve to stop this war in Afghanistan”

Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman


Yes, this “soshalist” beauty is brought to you by Rep Todd Akin (R-MO), who gives lessons about the pilgrims and Thanksgiving. Well, why don’t I just let him tell it in his own words, because, I certainly can’t do it justice.

“They came here with the idea that after trying socialism that it . . . → Read More: Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman

“The Atomic Cafe” – We have met the enemy and he is us


“In times of social crisis and tension, in times when changes come so thick and fast that the individual can no longer place himself in his group, when he knows something is wrong but doesn’t know what, when he feels himself a pawn, in times like these, most men become highly suggestible, they . . . → Read More: “The Atomic Cafe” – We have met the enemy and he is us

Singapore 1941: What it tells Us about Afghanistan, 2010


A very famous Canadian politician (I don’t want to use this name because that would sound like bragging) once told me he never more than glanced at the news media. (Okay. It was Pierre Trudeau.)

I thought it was because he didn’t trust them. And that would be reasonable because the news media . . . → Read More: Singapore 1941: What it tells Us about Afghanistan, 2010