Archived posts

Paul Ryan Sinks Even Lower Than Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin


Yep, after ol’ Todd’s “legitmate” rape can’t get a woman pregant because the female reproductive system somehow on some universe ‘knows how to shut itself down’, Paul Ryan, Mitt’s running mate, sinks even lower. Oh no sirreee! Paul Ryan now says that rape is “just another method of contraception”. Apparently,corporate media has been . . . → Read More: Paul Ryan Sinks Even Lower Than Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin

Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman


Yes, this “soshalist” beauty is brought to you by Rep Todd Akin (R-MO), who gives lessons about the pilgrims and Thanksgiving. Well, why don’t I just let him tell it in his own words, because, I certainly can’t do it justice.

“They came here with the idea that after trying socialism that it . . . → Read More: Revisionist History with a Rethuglican Congressman