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It Does Feel Like We’re Regressing–Free Speech–Translation–Making Bigotry More Than OK

I caught yet another post about repealing Section 13 and the HRCs all about that old free speech thing. This time, a Senator Finlay was telling some radio show host about a bill he is proposing to take care of just that. Allow me to translate; not only making it ok to be a bigot, but to actually make it the norm.

It’s pretty pathetic when the type of individual like Marc Lemire was once considered to be a thug no one would associate themselves with and lock their children away from, is now considered a hero by many. Ezzy IrreLevant  sold out his own people to celebrate that ‘victory’ for such a thug, a white supremacist.

Yes, there is a loud group(s) who are so obsessed and would do anything to be able to feel free saying things like “Let’s torture the Brown People; it’s fun” or “Let’s kill all Gays”. All  To many, the freedom to be able to say those hideous things would surely make their dreams come true as hate crimes would be on the rise, no doubt.

And no Kim Fraser! Our forefathers did not sacrifice their lives and fight for the right so the likes of  teachers like Jim Keegstra can teach impressionable school children that the holocaust never happened and they certainly didn’t fight for the right for hate speech to incite further violence.

So, I ask the question. With everything else happening here, in Canada; torturegate, potential scandal involving influence peddling and every other problem Brother Steve has these days, why the obsession over the right of  a thug to incite his impressionable followers, who usually tend to be less than stable to go out and commit more violence? Have we become more hateful over the years?

These usual suspects are also the first to do anything to suppress the speech of dissenters; those who disagree.  Remember that whole Ann Coulter debacle at U of O? Well, the Ezzy clan and their groupies were all indignant over protesters expressing that same free speech they profess to fight for. I remembered that Gang of 4 on CJAD all pissed with the protestors.  However, the same suspects, like Kim Fraser, Trudy Mason and Tommy the ass-hole also proposed cancelling the annual demonstration against police brutality, here in Montreal. Yes, they would suppress free speech from anyone who would dissent from their Conservative Cheerleading agenda.

Hell, even Ezzy  thought George Galloway shouldn’t be in Canada to speak.  Nobel Prize nominee Mustafa Barghouti’s visa application was stalled until it was too late for him to come. Hell, even free speech screecher, Kathy Shaidle doesn’t even enable comments on her blog.

No, this isn’t about free speech. It’s about their (many cons) obsession to be able to use hate speech whenever they feel like it.  It’s about the paranoia of cons and their incessant need for it to be fed and to spread.

Thankfully, according to info over at Big City Lib’s: signatures required  to even propose such a bill appear to be few and far between.

This fight against HRCs that is the only apparent reason Ezzy gets out of bed every morning, is just another example of how we’re regressing.

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