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Blogging SupposiTory Canadian (Non)Sense Demonstrates He Hasn’t a Clue, Yet Again!

Yes, another one who is advocating for the Harpercons to basically take on the “Fuck & Screw Quebec” mantra.  Never mind that it’s stupid politics. It’s as dumb as coaching the Liberals to say “Fuck Alberta!” And then ignore them completely when campaigning.    But nevermind the complete rantings in the twisted mind of Canadian NonSense. I want to concentrate on just one sentence  where he is flawed and frankly, makes as much of an ass of himself as Tony Clement and Ol’ Stock Day do on a daily basis. Take heart, folks, Canadian NonSense is a Blogging SupposiTory, he hasn’t got great mentors to begin with.

Anyway, here is what I’m referring to: (Emphasis mine)

The Separtists threatening , making noise, passing motions in Quebec City to the effect?

Passing motions? Uh, for openers, the Quebec Liberal party is in charge.  The Liberals will never pass motions regarding separation. Especially, not the Liberals of Jean Charest.  Secondly, like parliament, the National Assembly has been closed all summer; since when does any motion or legislation of any stripe pass?

Oh, the stupidity in oh so many ways! Gilles Duceppe is the only one really leading the push for sovereignty and since he leads a federal party, he’s not in any position to attempt to pass bills in the National Assembly. Pauline Marois of the Parti Quebecois, while loving to open her claptrap and talk a good game, she doesn’t really want to call a referendum. She’s nothing more than a shrieking shrew and a shrilly language extremist who knows shit.   I suspect that is but one reason why she is far less popular than her own party.  Even when fall rolls around, you can bet that Pauline Marois won’t be passing any bills that would lead toward a referendum on sovereignty, even if she were in power.  I can also see her own party plotting to oust her as well, but that’s another blog post for another time.

Duceppe is promoting sovereignty and he may be reviving it, but it’s a slow process for him. A referendum won’t take place until the Liberals are out of power and since Charest has approximately another three years to his mandate.

Love how a Blogging SupposiTory can goof.

Never mind that dumb idea on ignoring Quebec. As mentioned, as dumb as ignoring Alberta.

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