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KKKory Pulling a Sa-wah Palin! Bye-Bye, Now!

Well, here’s another tea-baggy con who can’t seem to hold down a job. It appears that KKKory has resigned from Quebecor and Fox News North.

Kory Teneycke, a former spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has resigned from an effort to bring a right-leaning TV network to Canada, saying his partisan past is hurting the initiative.

Ahem! Partisan past? Doesn’t he also mean, present & future? No matter, the very way the whole licensing debacle of Fox News North has been handled has been hurting the initiative.  The very nature of Fox News North is inflammatory.

Just like how the master taught him, he is avoiding questions about that whole Avaaz scandal and refused to take questions at a press conference.  Would we expect anything more? No matter, this typical connie evasiveness just makes look more guilty. Avaaz has alleged that someone had been tampering with its’ petition site, adding false names and emails to it from an Ottawa based web address.  As a result, it has asked the RCMP and Ottawa police to investigate the matter.

One has to wonder though, did Kory really resign on his own volition? Or did Pierre-Karl Peladeau push him out the door? After all, the more Kory flapped his jaws, the more of a liability he became.  He took on that typical Harpercon whiny schtick.

“While most of these criticisms are not based in fact, it becomes increasingly clear my involvement only serves to inflame,” he said.

While the Peladeaus have had their fair share of drama over the years; personally and in business,  I don’t think I ever remember a time when Quebecor became embroiled in such scandals since KKKory was hired.  Pierre-Karl may be conservative and and all that, but he certainly didn’t need all these problems with accusations of online petition tampering and such.  In short, while I believe he may want Fox News North, I think Kory wanted it far more than Pierre-Karl did. 

After all, it was said recently, that Fox News North was allegedly an elaborate show of brown nosing to get Stevie Spiteful to finance a new arena in Quebec City so he can purchase an insolvent American NHL team to play in this arena. I am sure that if the Liberals were in power, he would have put on a more Liberal friendly channel.  Unlike Kory, it would seem, Pierre-Karl is more business man than tea-bagger.

So what becomes of widdle Kory now?  He’s still the keynote speaker in that upcoming Quebec tea-bagger chapter come October 23. Does he spearhead the Canadian tea-bagger movement and make speaches all over creation just like Sa-wah does in the US? More than likely; something tells me he’s burned almost everywhere now.

A little less likely, but still possible, a pundit on CTV for shows like Power Play and Question Period? I’m sure Jane Taber wouldn’t mind some Harpercon eye-candy.

Or, not likely, given the hot water he’s found himself in, but since Master Steve loves brown noses, does the prodigal son return home? Guy Giorno is leaving soon.  To my knowledge, no firm replacement has been hired to replace him.   I know, KKKory is a communications guy; not advising material, but since Stevie only takes yes men, how qualified does one really need to be? It can’t be as ridiculous as appointing an illiterate hockey coach to the senate.  On the other hand, the Harpercons have enough of their own troubles, they don’t really need the added baggage of KKKory who is, at the very least, attached somehow to tampering with web sites to get his way.

Or, is there going to be a senate seat that will be liberated before the next election?

Would it be too much to hope for that KKKory ride off far, far away on James Bezan’s horse?

So much for Luc Lavoie joining the CRTC, at least, not right now. He will be replacing KKKory.

Stay tuned, boys ‘n’ girls!

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One Response to “KKKory Pulling a Sa-wah Palin! Bye-Bye, Now!”

  • Jymn:

    Ohhhh, he was fired all right. The golden-haired boy suddenly ain’t so golden any more. Sir Stephen is not so forgiving of FAILure. My fear is that the CBC will have him back on the air in no time. Lacroix will be forced to hire him as a concession.

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