Seems that many plan to stay home come election day, November 2. Keith Olbermann goes over the Tea-party candidates in all their wingnuttiness with all their destructive goals, who’s chances of winning increase,with potentially too many of the disillusioned who plan to stay home and not vote.
Meet your candidates, folks. Candidates the tea-party so proudly put into place.
Good luck indeed, folks!
As for the wingnuts who cry “Smaller Government!”, well, just think, would you rather be run by corporations like Koch Industries and Fox News? Somehow, the “freedom” that you cry for would be restricted even further.
What I find mind boggling is in a state like Nevada, folks would seriously consider voting in a senatorial wingnut like Sharron Angle who doesn’t like all things “wicked”, would do her worst to cripple one of the largest employers of the state, if not, the largest employer; the “wicked” gambling casinos.
I bet Rand Paul is secretly cheering what happened to Lauren Valle.
Here’s to hoping the damage could be minimized!
I don’t know why Obie just doesn’t say it. They are fascists, with their own brownshirts, blackshirts and enforcers.
And don’t think this doesn’t apply here. The reformatories are cut from the same cloth. Frankly that’s one of the reasons I don’t support gun control…we may need them in a few years.
ck Reply:
October 28th, 2010 at 9:25 AM
Oh, I do believe it applies to the Harpercons. I’m not that disillusioned. I only wish more saw the Harpercons as this dangerous as well.
I seemed to remember reading this quote:
We’re seeing it now, unless people wise up and fast.
Fascism definition (short version): Fascism (pronounced /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy
Don’t know about you, but I think it pretty much applies here.
Indeed, when all the various teabagger candidates are itemized like that, it’s quite the motley crew. As much as voting can sometimes seem like an exercise in futility and we are more often than not disappointed by our elected officials, it would be criminal for Democrats to purposely stay home just to punish Obama, and allow that crowd to get into the corridors of power. A vote a day keeps the nazis away!
(Thanks for the h/t
ck Reply:
October 28th, 2010 at 9:38 AM
yes, Olbermann does a good job painting the whole picture, assembling the whole group. When we hear only bits and pieces about one, maybe two of these candidates at the same time, it may not seem like much and the viewer/listener could easily dismiss as a precious few who can easily be ignored. However, put them all together as Olbermann had, well, you got a pretty scary scenario that can no longer be overlooked.
And punishing Obama would be the silliest reason to allow this band of corporate puppets to come in & ride roughshod over the country and do their worst.
Here’s a video sure to show what’s old is new again and going backwards, and not in the good way. Not only do you hear nasties from Glenn, Rush and the usual suspects, but there are many stills, that I find are reminiscent of pictures we have seen in history books of line ups during the Great Depression, only in colour.
Economists like Paul Krugman have predicted this.
Sorry, can’t post the video directly from here; Youtube videos from the office computers are blocked.