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We Juxtapose With David Frum

Ah, the irony of  tea-bagging cons! Whining about freedoms being stripped, so they rush to vote in an even more authoritarian party. They want less taxes, so they vote in a party, surely to raise taxes further in order to accomplish their own twisted greed motivated goals.

David Frum writes such an article today in the NattyPO, called: Republican Victory a Prelude to Failure.  And he does make a good case as to exactly how the Rethuglicans will fail, and fail miserably. Here are some highlights about those mythical tax cuts:

Republicans are about to win a big victory in the U.S. midterm elections on a promise of lower taxes and less spending.

Horribly ironically, the vote will likely lead instead to higher taxes and more spending. That’s not what Republican voters want. But based on Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner’s pre-election interviews, it’s what they are likely to get.

Taxes first.

Oh, tax hikes and increased spending wouldn’t be their only failure. Read the rest of his article, it reads of ominous warnings of “no more compromise”– already, in advance, they’ve said they won’t play nice with the others–that attitude is already doomed to fail no matter where you are; no matter what you do, but I digress.

Like others before him, Frum also predicts a government incapable of getting anything done, largely in part because the Rethuglicans won’t compromise on anything.

Couldn’t agree with ya more, David; the Rethuglicans would absolutely be a failure, especially with the motley band of tea-baggers slated to join them. So, David, why on Gawd’s green earth would you vote for a straight Rethuglican ticket in the Mid-terms tomorrow??

I bet Frum comes back to Canada for his medical procedures.

1 comment to We Juxtapose With David Frum

  • Ah David Frum, master media manipulator. He appears moderate only because he makes money publishing those kinds of articles. If the Republicans gain huge in 2012, expect Frum to return to his partisan ravings against liberalism, the Democrats and the opposition to the Conservatives in Canada. He’s an opportunist in the worst possible way. Whenever he makes logical points, I worry. He’s just storing up his moderate cred to profit from a Republican president and GOP-dominated Congress and Senate.